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这两种理论各有千秋,但它们是并行不悖的。The two theories vary, but they are compassable.

德治与法制相辅相成,工业化现代化与传统价值观并行不悖。The rule of virtue and legal system complement with each other.

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这一政治光谱在各类商业经营治理结构方面也并行不悖。This spectrum has a parallel in the variety of managerial structures found in business.

虽然她选择成为医生,但她表示西医和巫医并行不悖。Though she chose to become a doctor, she said there was ample room for both approaches.

沉默权与“坦白从轻”在未来的刑事诉讼中将会并行不悖。Right to muteness and "leniency to those who confess their crimes" will not be mutually exclusive.

虚拟世界与现实世界应该并行不悖,否则我们很可能陷入麻烦。The virtual world and the real world should be parallel, otherwise we are likely to get into trouble.

这两种文化产生于不同的地区,他们的发展并行不悖,互不影响。These two cultures, which were created in different areas, developed in parallel and without interference.

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如上所述,教师的职责不仅仅在于传授知识,而且要育人。教书与育人是并行不悖的。As is mentioned, a teacher's task is not only to impart knowledge, but also to educating people run parallel.

发展中欧关系与推进中国的民主政治建设是中国并行不悖的两大政策目标。Developing Sino-European relations and promoting Chinese democracy construction are two policy goals that do not interfere on each other.

祖先的崇拜几乎不和超自然的东西发生关系,所以它可以和基督教,佛教,或回回教关于上帝的信仰并行不悖。The supernatural is left almost untouched, and ancestor worship can go side by side with belief in a Christian, a Buddhist, or a Mohammedan god.

同时我们认为,有关双边对话和多边会谈是相辅相成、相互促进的,可以并行不悖地向前推进。We also believe that relevant bilateral dialogues and multilateral talks complement and reinforce each other and thus can move ahead in parallel.

大量事实证明,欧盟在国际关系中所起的独特和制衡作用,表明一体化与多极化进程并行不悖。EU's unique and balancing role in international relations shows that its integration process is not in conflict with the trend of world multipolarity.

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它还明白了令组织兴盛的最佳途径是将自身与日常生活融为一体,让修理水管与制造炸弹并行不悖。It has learnt that the best way to prosper is to interweave itself with daily life, seeing no distinction between fixing the plumbing and making bombs.

但到了20世纪,自由与人民主权可以并行不悖这一点已十分清楚,现在世界上许多国家的情况正是如此。By the 20th century, however, it was clear that liberty and popular sovereignty could coexist peacefully, as they now do in many countries around the world.

其次,作为国家管理经济事物的方法或手段,“放任主义”与“干涉主义”又被并行不悖地统一起来。Secondly, as the method or means for the state to administrate economic activities, the "Laissez faire" and " Interventionism " are consolidated in parallel.

而最为省钱的统一方式就是香港模式,两种经济体制与政治体制并行不悖,同时限制双方的人口流动。The least expensive option would be Hong Kong-style integration in which two economic and political systems coexisted with limited migration between the two.

在唱红首开先声的重庆,再次肯定民众的力量不仅与经济高速增长并行不悖,甚至还有锦上添花之效。In Chongqing, where it all began, rapid economic development seems to be synchronizing with and even re-enforced by the reaffirmation of the power of the masses.

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但达沃斯的代表们不禁大声质疑,这种姿态跟他的政府向被拯救的英国银行施压要求优先服务本国客户的做法怎能并行不悖。But delegates in Davos wondered aloud how this was compatible with his government’s pressure on Britain’s bailed-out banks to give priority to domestic customers.

如果你想坚持经商与正义是并行不悖的概念,你就需要以持续、公开与可以检验的方法来证明。If you want to make the assertion that commerce and justice are not divorceable notions , then you need to demonstrate that in a constant, open and inspect-able way.

马克思主义经典作家认为农业资本也参与利润率平均化规律与国家支持保护农业政策是并行不悖的关系。What Marxist classical writers refer to the agricultural capital in the law of average rate of return on capital runs parallel with national protective farm policies.