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小麦的胚芽对增进健康很有好处。Wheat germ is very health-giving.

完整的小麦胚芽含有卵磷脂。The whole wheat germs contain lecithin.

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怀孕刚好40天可以看见胚芽吗?。Be pregnant just can 40 days see plumule ?

这种甲虫要吃谷物的胚芽。This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.

麸皮和胚芽是营养品的主要组成部分。The bran and germ hold the bulk of the nutrients.

人类的胚芽是在你母亲的愿望里。The germ of the race is in your mother's longing.

小麦胚芽油是一种未经提炼的天然植物油。Wheat germ oil is unrefined vegetable oils, natural.

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一整株全谷物包括胚芽、胚乳和麸皮。A whole grain contains the germ, endosperm, and bran.

小麦胚芽油是从细菌中提取的小麦籽粒。Oil "is" extracted from wheat germ bacteria of wheat.

在这些部位,表皮胚芽向下生出息入真皮。Epidermal buds grow down into the dermis at these sites.

加工过的谷物把麸皮和胚芽去除了。When grains are refined, the bran and the germ are removed.

玫瑰、薰衣草、岩兰草、甜杏仁、小麦胚芽等。Rose, Lavender, Vetivert, Sweet Almond, Wheatgerm and so on.

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或者食用全麦食物和附和吃些小麦胚芽。Or use whole-wheat flour and sprinkle wheat germ on your food.

因为在谷物精制过程中,麸皮和胚芽都被脱除了。The refining process removes the bran and germ from the grain.

高等植物的种子里包含有一个尚未发育的小植物体——胚芽。The seeds of plants contain a small undeveloped plant, the embryo.

饼皮上则添增全麦、小麦胚芽、亚麻籽、竹炭粉、多层次烧饼等不同种类。For the crust, they've added whole wheat, flax seeds and wheat germ.

生命的胚芽是由空气、配料、机器甚至人带来的。Germs were brought by air, ingredients. machinery and even by people.

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粉葡萄柚、洋甘菊、甜橙、小麦胚芽、荷荷芭油等。Grapefruit pink, Chamomile, Orange Sweet, Wheatgerm, Jojoba and so on.

水分胁迫明显抑制了胚芽鞘和主胚根的生长。Water stress obviously restrain growth of coleoptile and main radical.

天竺葵、迷迭香、胡萝卜籽、月见草、小麦胚芽油等。Geranium, Rosemary, Carrot Seed, Evening Primrose, Whwatgerm and so on.