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论题或者局域学习小组。Topic or domain study group.

关于这种论题的正式辩论。Formal disputation of such an issue.

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就我们的论题来讲,我觉得这些都无关紧要For our purposes, I think it's not crucial.

他就一个小论题硬写出10页文章来。He squeezed 10 pages out of a small subject.

他在这次考试中,申论题部分答错了。He tripped up on the essay part of the exam.

关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。The origin of the universe is an ageless topic.

迪昂-奎因论题与整体论密切相关。Duhem-Quine thesis is closely related to holism.

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这是他论题中最有争议的部分。This is the most problematic part of his thesis.

论题是一篇论文主要的创造性观点。A thesis is the main creative sentiment in a paper.

这个论题同样遇到了很大的问题。This thesis also runs into significant difficulties.

社务行政会议应讨论什麽论题?What topics should be discussed at the club assembly?

以下是亚洲水资源项目对该论题的概述。Here, the Asia Water Project summarises the arguments.

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翻到第655页就可以知道关于这一论题的更多情况。Turn to page 655 for more information on this subject.

最近的论题是恐龙化石的结构。The topic recently was the framework of dinosaur fossils.

他现在拥有的知识就论题数码艺术指甲机器。He now has an indepth knowledge of digital nail art machines.

下次课我们继续讨论综合哲学的更多论题。Next time we carry on with more topics on general philosophy.

讲演者就同一论题大发议论,至少讲了两个小时。The speaker held forth on the same theme for at least two hours.

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下列的项目是提议关于那写-向上的论题。The following items are suggestions as to the write-up of theses.

在任意一本有关数论的书中,素数都是一个大的论题。The topic of primes is a large part of any book on number theory.

在你的论题中用自己的内容来歌颂他人。Use your own content to sing the praises of others in your topic.