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在那玩具盒里面吗?In the toy box?

在玩具箱里面吗?不在!In the toy box?No!

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请回到耶稣里面来。Come back to Jesus.

什么在这辆公共汽车里面?What is in the bus?

把羊赶进羊圈里面去。Get the sheep within.

他把自己关在里面。He barred himself in.

我没有在里面放水。I put no water in it.

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我们朝窗子里面望。We looked in windows.

宝箱里面装了什么?What is in the chest?

她把自己关在里面。She barred herself in.

这里面有点窍门。There's a knack in it.

他们在帐篷里面吗?Were they in the tent?

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什么在这个篮子里面?What is in the basket?

那里面的女人是谁?Who is the lady in it?

屋子里面暖洋洋的。It's warm in the house.

哦,好酷!它里面是什么?Oh, cool! What's in it?

带了,在我的书包里面。Yes,it's in my backpack.

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在你的诗里面,我是曼迪吗?In your poem, am I Mandy?

里面是几个球茎。Inside lay several bulks.

里面,将是我。Inside, there will be me.