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绝对不可靠。Absolutely not.

是的,当然可靠。Yeah, I definitely.

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我觉得它很可靠。I think it's reliable.

他确实是可靠的。He is as true as steel.

谣言是一匹不可靠的驽马。Rumour is a lying jade.

地铁更可靠。Subways are more reliable.

这是一个可靠的姜子牙。This is a reliable bloomer.

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这个消息果真可靠吗?Is the news really reliable?

确实不可靠,你知道为什麽吗?They're not . you know why ?

怀特先生是个非常忠实可靠的人。Mr white is a very white man.

系统应该是可靠的。The system shall be reliable.

你可以信赖他的诚实可靠。You can build on his honesty.

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凯斯特灯浮不可靠。Caister Light buoy unreliable.

他是个忠实可靠的人。He is a man that eats no fish.

布朗先生是一位忠实可靠的人。Mr. Brown is a very white man.

格林先生是一个非常忠实可靠的人。Mr. Green is a very white man.

她是一位可靠的伴侣。She is a dependable companion.

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这项采矿工艺不可靠。The mining technique is shaky.

我知道你是一个十分可靠的小伙子。I know you're a good safe chap.

他们是非常可靠的。They were tremendously reliable.