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你是我的使者。You are my emissaries.

他,是绿色的使者。He, it is green emissary.

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天女,是神的使者。Girl, is the messenger of god.

明天你需要一个护花使者吗?Do you need a protector tomorrow?

尼希米记的意思是“慰问使者”。Nehemiah means " Jah is comfort".

该公司派遣了使者。The company dispatched a messager.

我们该付给使者多少小费?How much should we tip the bellhop?

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光明使者的名字,有你!In Lightbringer's name, have at thee!

花,还是季候的使者。Flower, or designate an envoy quarter.

我是巴斯光年,和平使者。I am Buzz Lightyear . I come in peace.

以光明使者的名义,进攻汝!In Light bringer's name, have at thee!

梅格俨然扮演着一个护花使者。Meg enacted escort with great dignity.

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傲慢地令各国使者散去。The envoys were dismissed imperiously.

她在署名中把自己称作“和平使者”。She signed herself “A Peace Messenger.”

我可以派和平使者去斯巴达…We could send peace envoys to Menelaus.

“噢,我明白了。”护花使者的脸沉了下来。"Oh, I see. " The champion's face fell.

带我们重回秩序,我是光明的使者!Lead us to order, I am the Lightbringer!

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黄昏时,那两位使者来到了索多玛。The two angels came to Sodom at evening.

慕她之名,年轻的国王派来了使者。Mu her name, young king sent a messenger.

使者给我们带回了这个好消息。The envoy bore back to us this good news.