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海上风平浪静。The sea was calm.

海上风浪平息了。The sea calmed down.

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眼泪就像海上的盐粒。Tears as the sea salt.

这艘船在海上遇难。The ship wrecked at sea.

我喜欢呼吸海上的空气。I like to sniff the sea-air.

那条船被冲到了海上。The boat drifted out to sea.

那个筏子漂到海上。The raft floated out to sea.

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海上涌出一轮红日。A red sun rose above the sea.

且请呼吸海上的纯净空气。Just breathe that pure sea air!

船在海上载浮载沈。The ship was tossed on the sea.

是的,种子能够在海上旅行。Yes, seeds could travel by sea.

雾从海上弥漫过来。The fog sheeted in from the sea.

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如把泪留给海,把风留给海上的帆。And a gust to sails over the sea.

从海底的世界来到海上的陆地。From the world down under the sea.

平静的海上点缀着一只只双桅横帆船。The calm sea was dotted with brigs.

平静的海上点缀著一只只双桅横帆船。The calm sea was dotted with brigs.

这种海上大雾可持续数天。These ocean fogs can last for days.

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海洛因已从海上偷运出境。Heroin has been smuggled out by sea.

人生常被比做海上航行。Life is often likened to sea voyage.

风使得那条船在海上来回颠簸。The wind tossed the boat in the sea.