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订阅费是多少?How much is the subscription?

请订阅本频道。Please subscribe this channel.

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订阅我们的免费邮件。Subscribe to our free e-mails.

订户的订阅名称。Subscriber's subscription name.

马上订阅,可获2周免费赠阅。Subscribe now, get 2 weeks free.

对订阅启动复制。Start replication on subscriptions.

我没有关注电子邮件订阅者。I didn’t focus on email subscribers.

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你交订阅费了吗?Have you handed in your subscription?

我过去订阅1-2份杂志。I used to subscribe to 1-2 magazines.

付费方式视使用或订阅而定。Payment is per-usage or subscription.

我甚至可以订阅他的播放列表。I can even subscribe to his playlists.

而且,跟垃圾邮件不同的是,培根邮件是用户自发订阅的。And unlike spam, bacn is self-inflicted.

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取消订阅华夏会员飞讯,请按此处。Cancel Dynasty Flyer E-News, click here.

人们可以订阅的电子报。People can subscribe for the newsletter.

Spotify提供了大量的订阅量。Spotify offers a number of subscriptions.

我就经常定期清理我订阅的博客。However, I list my Blog that I subscribed.

然后订阅者可以对事件采取行动。The subscribers can then act on the event.

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我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.

不不不,我确实需要整理下我的RSS订阅链接了。Nah, I really need to re-sort my RSS feeds.

我们已经订阅了一份晚报。We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.