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追究责任与寻求纠错的区别看起来很微妙。The distinction between blame and contribution may seem subtle.

鉴于它之前犯下这样的大错,其纠错进度理应受到密切监督。It's progress should be carefully watched, after such a big mistake.

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但是更多的信息流通是否真正转化为更强的纠错力量呢?But does more information really translate into more power to right wrongs?

电路中没有采用数字算法纠错,在输入1兆信号全速采样时候可以达到9位精度。It is 9 effective number of bits when input 1Mhz signal at full speed sample.

数据磁盘用于数据被长距离整理,纠错,编码数据包传输。Data Format Data is sent in fixed length, error checked, encoded data packets.

把你的练习本和同桌交换,互相纠错。Exchange your exercise books with your neighbor and correct each other's mistakes.

在纠错中教师应尽量给予学生独立修正偏误的优先权。Teachers follow the principle of student priority in the course of error correction.

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教师同时并未显示出对立即纠错或延后纠错的明显倾向。The participants do not show preference in terms of immediate or delayed correction.

设计了一种码长可变、纠错能力可调的RS编码器。In this paper, we design an RS encoder with a varied length of code and rectified ability.

基于最小方阵码,本文给出一种快速内存纠错方案。Based oh the codes, a fast single byte-error correction scheme for main memory is proposed.

切换到纠错透视图并在此测试更新过的应用程序。To do that, switch over to the debug perspective and test your updated application from there.

提出了一种基于四叉树和纠错编码的数字图像水印算法。A digital image watermarking algorithm based on quadtree and error correcting code is proposed.

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纠错性能良好的LDPC码同时具有良好的检错性能。LDPC codes have good error-correcting performances as well as good error-detecting performances.

本文提出了适用于广播通信网的一种概率型加密纠错广播通信体制。In this paper, we present the broadcast communication system with error correcting and encryption.

学生个体的自我纠错情况存在较大的差异。Are there any significant differences in their abilities to self-correct the three types of errors?

研究了与前向纠错相结合的快速扰偏器的不同分布模式对偏振模色散缓解的效果。The effect of the different distribution patterns of FPS on PMD mitigation with FEC is investigated.

概述了英文单词拼写自动侦错与纠错的一般方法。A general method of automatic error detecting and correcting for spelling English words is summarized.

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用相关系数或编码所用函数本身的性质表征条码的纠错能力。Correction ability is showed with correlative coefficient or inwardness of functions used in encoding.

说理机制不仅是国家法律对于公民基本权利的一种保护,而且也有助于责任人或腐败者的纠错或改造。It not only is a legal protection to basic rights of citizens, but also helps to transform corruptors.

一个合适的回应需要对整个纠错过程——萧条和复苏,有一个正确的理解。A good response requires a proper understanding of the correction process — the recession and recovery.