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成人在这些任务上反应更慢They were slower at them.

成人后的犯罪率。Adult offenses later on in their lives.

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与儿童、青少年或成人一起,that we can work with children, adolescents and adults

因为成人的大脑是不可能真的记住更多的,Because as an adult mind, you're not able to really learn more than

成人干细胞是用某些方式,从成人体内提取的Adult stem cells are acquired in some fashion from an adult organism.

我有过一个成人学生。她有四个孩子,所以她很忙。I did have one adult student. She has 4 children, so she's very busy.

这些成人会回答,"和宝宝说话太可笑了And these adults would respond, "It'd be ridiculous to speak to a baby.

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沿着这条线再往后一些就是胚胎,或者就说是成人脑中的干细胞吧Further down this line here are embryonic or let's say adult brain stem cells.

圣经里讲的主题都是非常成人的,尤其是在叙述性的章卷里。The subject matter in the Bible is very adult, particularly in the narrative texts.

它们在胚胎中最容易被找到,但有时在成人的机体中也能找到Easiest to find them in embryos but sometimes they can be found in adult organisms as well.

我有一个女儿。那里有很多小小的儿童乐园,也有许多成人玩的东西。I have a daughter. So there's a lot of little parks for children, a lot of things for adults.

很多六岁、九岁、十二岁的学生,几个青少年,我也有两个成人学生。Lots of 6-year olds, 9-year olds, 12 year-olds, a couple teenagers, and I do have 2 adult students.

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和我们之前谈到的胚胎干细胞有所不同,因此这是个成人干细胞的例子Different than the embryonic stem cell we talked about before, so it's an example of an adult stem cell.

但他们是很成熟的成人和知识分子,而这对一个来自芝加哥的小孩来说很不同。But they were fully formed adults and intellectuals, and that was a heady experience for a kid from Chicago.

如果将其与成人教育的,表层目标进行比较,你会承认两者是一样的。If you compare the explicate purposes for adult education, I think you will agree that they are all the same.

如果你在一个成人大脑的正确区域找,你也许能找到这样的细胞,但会更困难一些If you go to the right region of an adult brain you might be able to find cells like this but it's more difficult.

你可能会认为儿童会使用,成人所使用的语言系统,但事实并非如此What you might have expected would be the children would then use whatever system their adults use, but they don't.

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神明告诉维吉尔,他还没有准备好接受,成人世界和公众世界,以及史诗的重要领域。The god told Virgil that he wasn't ready yet for the manly, the adult, and the public world, the important world, of epic poetry.

沿着这条线再往后,如果我们看看成人的大脑,或者脊髓或者其他部位,我们就能找到定向祖细胞Further down the line here, if we looked in the adult brain or spinal cord and other regions we'd find committed progenitor cells.

这个也相当简单,这是一个社会尴尬的时候,我必须问她是一张成人票还是老人票?So this, too, fairly straightforward and yet and this was a socially awkward moment I had to ask her are you an adult or a senior?