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其中一个下家在注册之后关闭了帐户口。One of your referrals canceled account after signing up.

三人通知下家后,一起到周计伟所住小区。Three people notice after Zhou Jiwei home, go to the living area.

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由自己、上家或下家掷骰子时各有不同的码牌法。From their home or the home of dice, each with different code licensing law.

如果发生交易,这种程度的所有权将同样传递给下家。That degree of ownership will have passed to investors who buy the next shares.

开发商是“下家”,负责消化圈来的土地。The developer is under the family, is responsible for land which digests encircles.

如果替代叫牌被许可,其下家可撤销其任何真对第一次叫牌所做叫牌。If a substitution is allowed the LHO may withdraw any call he made over the first call.

凡碰出尖张的下家,一定不要边张牌,如下家碰出3万或7万。Every touch its destiny in zhang, card must not edge, the following is a 30000 or 70000.

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这样做你的下家就不会看到你抓的是什么牌和什么颜色的。This is partly so that your fellow drafters cant see the cards and colours that you are drafting.

再一个就是下家打出一张,你可以选择杠,杠了往后你就多了抓牌的机会了。Another is destiny in playing a piece, you can choose, and much more poles in the future you card.

他们给了我一周的试训机会,一旦知道曼联有兴趣我就不想再找下家了。They took me on a week's trial and once I knew they were interested I didn't want to look anywhere else.

从庄家开始依次是下家和对门三个人先玩,庄家的上家这一局是定醒。From the makers began to turn is home and on three people to play, the dealer's home this bureau is set up.

他最可能的下家是意大利的罗马,斯帕莱蒂在为托蒂寻找一名搭档。His most probable destination remains Roma, where trainer Spalletti is seeking a partner for Francesco Totti.

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在这场危机中,这些联系进一步解体,这是由于借款人担心贷款要么无法被出售给下家,要么无法得到偿还。During the crisis they disintegrated as lenders worried that loans could not be sold on or would not be repaid.

销售面积卡茨基尔提供了一个辉煌的品种为以后的男性和女性找下家。Catskills acreage for selling provides a brilliant assortment for grownup men and ladies hunting for next homes.

这名葡萄牙中场没有在斑马军团立住脚。但由于蒂亚戈的薪水很高,因此他现在还很难找到下家。The Portuguese midfielder is unsettled in Turin but due to his large wage demands it's difficult to find him a team.

所以,记牢下家的打牌先后仍是需求的,当然在此基础上还得加以估测。So, remember buyers CARDS successively is still the demand, on the basis of this, of course, also have to be estimated.

乔科尔有大量的下家,但是他希望留在斯坦福桥,前提是他与俱乐部完成新合同的谈判。There are ample suitors for Cole, but he would like to stay at Stamford Bridge if he can come to an agreement over new terms.

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因为多数情况下,下家是小牌,因为对家他是地主的上家,他有一个顶牌的任务。Because most cases, under the house is a small card, because at home he is on the landlord's home, he has a top card of the task.

但是,一旦巨蟹变得挑剔,特别是对于天秤的放纵,天秤们就会开始找下家了。But if Cancer turns critical, especially about Libra's extravagance, Libra will start looking elsewhere. The connection is possible.

在交易过程中,下家一定要详细查看房屋是否属于共有房屋,特别是把好夫妻共有财产关。During the transactions, the family must take a detailed look at the total housing housing, particularly to good community property Guan.