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我俯视洋洲山川。I overlook oceans, mountains and rivers.

他发现了月球上的山川和峡谷。He found mountains and valleys on the moon.

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堀部直子设计的山川之家。Naoko Horibe designed the House of Yamakawa.

是山川河流的守护人。The keepers of the mountains and the streams.

山川之秀,何处雄奇?Mountains and rivers of the show, where Xiongqi?

金深水和林婴婴谈王山川。Gold deep water and Lin Ying Wang Shanchuan baby.

你知道,那里到处都是山川和白雪和冰。I come from, you know, mountains and snow and ice.

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他们甚至可以看见河流和山川的痕迹。They could even see what used to be rivers and mountains.

建德历史悠久,山川秀丽。Jiande has a long history, beautiful mountains and rivers.

在路上我们又看到一幅美丽的山川风景图。On the way we were treated to a spectacular mountain view.

因为版块构造,山川与河流显现。Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics.

故国山川,故园心眼,还似王粲登楼。The mountains and rivers, hometown of heart, also like Wang de lou.

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第三部分重点对范成大山川行旅诗进行了梳理。The article also combs his traveler poem about mountains and rivers.

在莫卧儿人的花园中,跌水使山川和溪流变得更迷人。In the Mogul garden, the chadhar idealizes the mountain and its stream.

山川秀丽、气候宜人的同安,风光旖旎,自然景观丰富多彩。Tong An boasts of its beautiful natural landscape and comfortable climate.

我是由无数星辰日月草木山川的精华汇聚而成的。I'm made of no end of prime of stars, trees and grass, mountains and rivers.

径山,位于杭州余杭的西部,是一座历史悠久、高峻秀美的山川。Jingshan is a graceful mountain, which located in the west of YuHang region.

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与大地山川有约,今生今世,我们只活在幸福里!Earth and the mountains around, this present life, we only live in happiness!

实现以山川秀美为标志的生态文明社会。Ecological society civilization were realized for mark of landscape graceful.

王山川的父亲以重金贿赂卢局长,希望保全王山川的性命。Wang Shanchuans father, and a bribe Lou, hope to preserve Wang Shanchuan life.