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生命的流逝像奔流的江河。Life flows like a river.

河水奔流的声音犹如龙吟虎啸。The river roars like a dragon.

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它在暴雨之后奔流着。It flushed after the heavy rain.

水从管子奔流而过。Water flushed through the pipes.

见大河奔流,直到苦海边。Over the rivers to the bitter sea.

汉水穿过武汉奔流。The River Han flows through Wuhan.

因为这里的水奔流不息。Because the water just never stops.

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一条小溪在岩石间奔流而下。A small stream ran down among the rocks.

河水可以无拘束地奔流了。The river water can rush unrestrainedly.

如果你是奔流在高山之巅的河流。If you were a river in the mountains tall.

奔流的水声从前面传来。The sound of running water came from ahead.

不要上传对其他的追踪者的我们奔流。Do not upload our torrents to other trackers.

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河水穿过契普赛幽谷向前奔流。And a river flows on through the vale of Cheapside.

万里长江终古不息地奔流着。The Yangtze River flows on forever without stopping.

快速奔流的怒江有巨大的水电潜力。The fast-flowing Nu offers vast potential for hydropower.

让爱成为奔流于你们灵魂海岸间的大海。Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

堤坝崩溃,产生一堵水墙顺着山谷奔流直下。The dam burst and sent a wall of water rushing down the valley.

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但我们大多宁肯吮吸却不愿奔流向前,这不奇怪吗?Is it not stange that most of us choose sucking rather than running?

日复一日,我将我的纸船一个一个地放入奔流的小溪。Paper BoatsDay by day I float my paper boats down the running stream.

仲夏山溪逢雨迸发,沿嘉道理农场的陡坡奔流而下。A stream, in spate after summer rains, descends through Kadoorie Farm.