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我将在海边伫立倾听。I will standin by the sea.

我伫立在你的街上。I'm standin' on your street.

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她看见一座十字架伫立在花园中央。She saw a crucifix in the garden.

它需要她们来支持它伫立天空吗?Did it need them to support it in the sky?

然而,我却青衣舞袖般孤独地伫立断桥。However, i ty dance as stand alone bridge.

那栋旧房子荒凉空洞地伫立着,像一堆废墟。The old house stood gaunt and empty, a complete ruin.

我感到自己像冬日寒风中的山峰悲伤的伫立。I feel as miserable as a mountain in the winter breeze.

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无论伫立街头,或于人行道的灰郁。While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey.

黑色的方块稳稳的伫立,其中的一面被照得通红。A black square stands firmly, illumined red on one side.

她继续写到,“我面带微笑,在他身后伫立良久。She continued “I smile behind his back for a long moment.

铁人王进喜的铜像就伫立在我们的校园里。Bronze statue of Iron Man Wang Jinxi to stand on our campus.

这些佛像伫立在把人们联结在一起的丝绸之路上。They were poised on the historic Silk Road that united people.

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你像忏悔中的苦行僧一般日日夜夜伫立着You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances

他静静伫立在墓旁表达他最后的敬意。He paid his last respects by standing quietly at the graveside.

十里多长的街道市场处处相连,月明之夜伫立桥上看美女神仙。Ten in the The Strip street, watching on the Moon Fairy bridge.

我伫立在家门前,欣赏如梦似幻的美景。I am standing outside their homes to enjoy the dream-like scenery.

凭栏伫立,观海听涛,思古抚今,别有一番情趣。On the stand, free thought, ancient stroke today, do not have a taste.

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其中最美的建筑物之一「新市政厅」,就伫立在「玛丽安广场」上。One of the most beautiful, Munich's New Town Hall, stands on Marienplatz.

独自地,嗅闻著泥土的气息,不时地,于静默中伫立。Solitary, smelling the earthy smell, stopping now and then in the silence.

感谢灯焰的光明,但请不要忘记那伫立于阴影中以坚定耐心的灯台。Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lamp holder standing.