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纷纷扬扬,从天而降。Swirl, coming down from heaven.

雪纷纷扬扬地下了一夜。Snow there were numerous underground night.

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记忆是尘,纷纷扬扬在空气里诉说着过往。Memory is dust, swirl tells the past in the air.

纷纷扬扬的雪花飘落在暖和的大衣上,一转眼就溶化消失了。The falling snow melts against the warmth of their parkas.

到了银装素裹的冬天,雪花纷纷扬扬的下了一地。To the winter snow, snowflakes have a spondee to the next.

而且是纷纷扬扬的鹅毛大雪,我们的心也被填得满满的。And it was feather-like snow which filled our hearts in full.

轻盈、洁白的雪花纷纷扬扬,这场初雪似乎在抚慰大地。The early white snow falls softly and seems to heal the landscape.

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轻盈、洁白得雪花纷纷扬扬,这场初雪似乎在抚慰大地。The early snows fall soft and white and seem to heal the landscape.

纷纷扬扬的大雪给环城公园的树木穿上了“棉衣”。The flying snowflakes have put heavy coats on the trees of the city ring park.

桃花夜雨,你还在灯下数那纷纷扬扬的落花么?Peach on a rainy night, you are still a few light spondee Petals that you have?

并且,偶尔会有顽皮的小雪花纷纷扬扬地落下来,就像跳舞一样。And, occasionally a naughty little snowflake swirl to fall down, just like dance.

在纷纷扬扬的雪花中你很难看清楚。新闻所说这是个严重警告。You can't see through the falling snow. The news said this was a serious warning.

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雪花依然在空中曼舞,纷纷扬扬,她们飘自天国,带着吉祥的信函,奔向你我的新年。The snowflakes are from the heaven, dancing in the sky bringing us a happy new year.

纷纷扬扬的雪花洒落在矮松上,更给它添了一种特殊的庄严肃穆的气氛。The falling snow-flakes, sprinkling the pinions, gave it a special kind of solemnity.

这天天気很冷,下着大雪。下午,雪停了一会儿,现在又纷纷扬扬地下起来了。It was bitter cold and the snow, that had let up during the afternoon, was falling again.

枯叶飘飘,纷纷扬扬,如彩蝶般舒翼飞舞。Dead leaves fluttering, there were numerous, such as the butterflies dance like Shu Yifei.

从那以后,每到冬天,天空就会飘洒下纷纷扬扬的雪花。Since then, every winter, the sky will float in the air there were numerous under the snow.

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这会儿雪花越来越大,越下越密了,从窗前纷纷扬扬地飘过,像神秘的飞瀑。The flakes were falling thick and hard now, pouring past the window, a waterfall of mystery.

汪小菲和大S在各自的微博上对纷纷扬扬的订婚传闻做出回应。Wang and Hsu both responded to the widespread rumor about their engagement through their mini-blogs.

瀑布溅喷的水雾飘飘洒洒,纷纷扬扬,给游客以扑面凉爽和美的享受,可一洗征尘的暑热和劳乏,顿觉轻松和振奋。The water sprays and drifts, frees visitors from the summer heat and fatigue, and gives them enjoyment of beauty.