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诗歌情思空间的拓深广延。Opening up deep extension of poem affection space.

倾听这无际的黑夜,没有她在身旁夜更深广。To hear the immense night, even more immense without her.

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巫舞历史悠远,影响深广。The soccer dance had a long history and profound influence.

DHC的品牌产品在全球影响深广。DHC's brand products in the world the greatest social impact.

这要求有无限深广的视野。This requires limitless range and unfathomable depth of vision.

但是,这些私立学校与其它学校的分歧却愈发深广。But the divide between these private schools and others is widening.

很有启发,人生,对于具有深广,幽默和纯洁心灵的人来说,的确是美味。One said, " life is a sweet thing to a person with pure conscience."

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他们在汪洋,深广无限的福乐大海中沐浴自己。They bathe themselves in the bottomless, shoreless sea of infinite beatitude.

恰恰相反,这里只是浮光掠影地涉及了一下这个几乎无限深广的话题。Rather, it's a surface-level look at an almost infinitely wide and deep topic.

在中国传统哲学和美学中,“无”是一个涵义深广的概念。In the traditional Chinese philosophy and aesthetic, nothing is a profound concept.

瞄准左侧的第一落球点,才可避开果岭右侧深广的砂坑,创出佳绩。A good tee shot down the left side will avoid the deep and wide bunker on the right.

禁欲主义对中国近、现代性观念影响极为深广。Asceticism affected the sexual idea deeply and extensively in modern times in China.

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从一定意义上讲,在文学的生活世界背后,隐存着一个无限深广的心灵世界。To a certain extent, there is an expensive innermost world hidden behind the living literature world.

每一个节日都有它地汗青渊源、美好传说、共同情味和深广地大众根底。Each festival has its historical origins and the beautiful legend, the unique taste and deep mass base.

不要浪费时间在与人争论上,因为那是没有结果的,就让我们安稳地生活在深广无涯的道中吧!Don't waste time on debate because it is fruitless. Let's live cozily in the profound and boundless Tao.

朱熹关于性的论述相当深广,超越了以往人性论的范畴。The theory of "Xing" of Zhuxi is very profound, surpass any category of history on the theory of human nature.

在这张深广的望远镜照片中,暗弱的丝状气体明显延伸至亮新月形区域的左下方。In this deep, wide telescopic view, fainter filaments clearly extend below and to the left of the bright crescent region.

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吴语小说是吴文化风俗的鲜艳花朵,它的背后蕴涵着深广的吴文化风俗内涵。There are many aspects concerning the custom of Wu culture in Wuyu novels such as the admiration Subai and Su-prostitute.

这种深广的悲剧意识,完全可以和古希腊悲剧相提并论而无愧色。This broad and deep tragic consciousness is comparable to and is not in the least inferior to the ancient Greek tragedies.

本文根据历史背景追溯此诗的创作时间、地点,探讨诗人创作此诗时忧愤深广的心境以及该诗沉郁苍凉的风格。This paper casts back its creative time, place by historical background to investigate the writer's frame of mind and style.