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我想让格林伯格做我的民意测验人。I wanted Greenberg to be my pollster.

他认为民意测验毫无意义而不加考虑。He dismisses the opinion polls as worthless.

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夏洪波将招标比作民意测验。Xia has likened the auction to an opinion poll.

一个公开的民意测验无法代替思考。A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.

两位候选人在民意测验中的得标相当接近。Both of the candidates are close together in the polls.

卡斯帕罗夫的联盟几乎在民意测验中看不到。Kasparov's coalition barely registers in opinion polls.

民意测验,政治家,专家,全都弄错了。The pollsters, the politicians, the pundits got it wrong.

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民意测验机关时时对选民进行抽样调查。Polling organizations sampled the electorate at intervals.

民意测验显示,大部分法国人反对这项改革。Polls show the majority of French are against the reforms.

如果要经历一系列的民意测验,那么答案是肯定的。Definitely, if a series of new polls are anything to go by.

他了解每次民意测验反映出来的公众的矛盾心理。He understood the public's ambivalence, shown by every poll.

但是,他说民意测验应谨慎解读。However, Foy said, the poll should beinterpreted with caution.

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我从没见他依赖民意测验,帮助他做决定。I never once saw him rely on polling to help him make a decision.

年龄在18岁到29岁之间的60个人参与了该民意测验。Sixty people between the ages of 18 and 29 responded to the poll.

在全国民意测验中,德克萨斯队名列第一,阿肯色队位居第二。Texas was ranked first and Arkansas second in the national polls.

如果他在和谈上失败了,那么几天内较高的民意测验支持率也会顷刻间烟消云散。If he failed, a few days of good poll numbers would vanish in the wind.

在民意测验中一路领先,但在初选州的支持率下降。Has led most national polls but is behind in early primary voting states.

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我们正在退了学的学生中进行民意测验。We're conducting a poll among the children who have dropped out of school.

综上所述,民意测验表现出了两党在推动和困惑中的斗争。Over all, the poll portrays a nation torn by conflicting impulses and confusion.

民意测验专家也发现大多数人都希望能在黎巴嫩公证结婚。Pollsters have found a majority in favour of allowing civil marriage in Lebanon.