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法律只究近因,不问远因。In law, the proximate, not the remote cause is regarded.

这是第五个原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the fifth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

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这是第六的原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the sixth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第一个原因,近因和远因,是强大的地震出现。This is the third cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第四个原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the fourth cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第五个原因,近因和远因,是大地震的出现。This is the seventh cause, proximate and remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

这是第二个原因,远因或远因,是大地震的出现。These are the second causes, proximate or remote, of the appearance of a mighty earthquake.

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致远因妻儿被救,答应振锋为卖官的事做证。Reach for wife and children rescued, agreed to sell the officer in the front of vibration of witness.

美国“伊拉克改造战略”的缘起十分复杂,既有历史远因,也有现实动因和石油诱因。The causes of US"reconstructing Iraq strategy"are various, including the factors of history, reality and oil.

冷战的远因则源于东西方社会的意识形态差异.The long-term causes of the Cold War were fundamentally due to the ideological differences between east and west.

而造成此种情况的既有英国殖民统治所留遗产的远因,又有独立后政府政策偏差的近因,还有印度干预的国际原因。This is due to the heritage left over by British colonists, the deviation of governmental policies, and India's intervention.

这些历史远因和近因的相互作用,引发了冷战结束以来最大规模的民族分离主义运动和民族冲突。The interactivity of these factors eventually brought about the greatest national separatism and ethnic conflicts after the cold war.

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美国“伊拉克改造战略”的缘起十分复杂,既有历史远因,也有现实动因和石油诱因。The causes of US "reconstructing Iraq strategy" are various, including the factors of history, reality and oil. After Iraq was defeated, the U.

人们亦期望以你的能力去探明一些趋向,并接受一些背景/远因/家长的角色,及承认你天性上感性的一面。People also anticipate your ability to spot trends and accept a background or parental role, and to acknowledge the emotional side of your nature.

在对于传统中国画、日本画的研究中,奥利文·高斯林感悟到了虚空的存在,一种宁静致远因而充满活力的存在。Oliver Gosling learned why space had to be existed through traditional Chinese paintings and Japanese paintings, which seemed full of power in silence.

黑死病是宗教改革、文艺复兴、地理大发现、医学革命等一系列有深远历史影响的历史事件的远因。Therefore, Black Death constitutes an indirect reason of religious revolution, renaissance, geographical discovery and medical revolution that are all profound historic events.

本文的目的就是尝试找出对自我知识的远因,从而透过三角测量理论解释自我知识的客观性。In this thesis I propose that there is a way to specify the distal cause for self-knowledge so that the objectivity of self-knowledge can be explained by the thesis of triangulation.