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她与戴维眉来眼去。She flirted with David.

我老板对我眉来眼去。My boss is giving me the eye.

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你常常对你所见的每个女孩子眉来眼去。You often flirt with every girl you met.

他们老混在一起,眉来眼去,卿卿我我的。They've been spending a lot of time together, nudge nudge, wink wink.

经过数周的眉来眼去,希腊债务最终被定为垃圾级。After flirting with it for weeks, Greek debt was finally given a junk rating.

在你女朋友的面前最好不要跟别的女人眉来眼去,这样会让她忌妒。Don't ogle at other girls in front of your girlfriend. It'll make her jealous.

当我们与世俗的试探眉来眼去地调情时,神称之为属灵的奸淫。When we flirt with the temptations of this world, God calls it spiritual adultery.

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你的男朋友在你面前可能会跟别的女人眉来眼去,因为他相信这样做可以证明他很具有男性的魅力。Your boyfriend may ogle other girls in front of you because he believes it proves he's macho.

她低着头响应他的赞美,并眨着睫毛跟他眉来眼去。She bowed in response to his compliment and fluttered her eyelashes in an attempt to flirt with him.

男人去脱衣舞俱乐部跟辣妹眉来眼去,显然会惹恼她的另一半。When guys go to strip clubs to ogle "hot bodies," it's certainly annoying to their significant others.

比利亚的经纪人塔马戈仍在与皇马进行谈判,与此同时,两家俱乐部也还在眉来眼去。Villa's agent, José Luis Tamargo, is still negotiating with Real, while conversations are on-going between the two clubs.

现在哥斯达黎加第一个倒下了,尽管某一段时间尼加拉瓜总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加也曾与北京眉来眼去。The first break came with Costa Rica, even though Nicaragua's president, Daniel Ortega, flirted with Beijing for a period.

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在同罗马眉来眼去了几个月之后,现在亚特兰大前锋塞尔吉奥。弗洛卡里似乎准备对老妇人回心转意了。After months of flirting with Roma, it seems that Atalanta marksman Sergio Floccari has changed his allegiances to Juventus.

现在这对处于理智与情感间徘徊的恋人一方面热切地眉来眼去,另一方面,却要面对进退两难的境地。Now, the couple, whose flirtation flies in the face of the sense and sensibility of the age, is faced with a terrible dilemma.

船长非常热情,简直就是那种“生活在海滩上的男孩”,整整一天,我跟他眉来眼去的。The captain of the boat was this totally hot, complete ‘beach guy for life’ type, and I spent the whole day flirting with him.

沈星看到了表示那小丫头挺不简单的,提醒他已经是孩子的爸爸别跟小丫头眉来眼去。ShenXing saw the little girl said it is not simple, remind him is the childs father dont give little girl the eyebrow come to eye.

所以FBI妥协了,拒绝调查特朗普和俄罗斯之间公然的眉来眼去。为啥俄罗斯对我们的大选这么感兴趣?So the FBI is compromised. Refusing to investigate this blatant connection of Trump and Russia. Why is Russia so interested in our election?

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尤文已经和这位前拉奇奥和帕尔马的中场眉来眼去好几年了,这次似乎是合适的时候喜结联姻了。Juventus have been linked with the former Lazio and Parma midfielder for many years and it would appear the time for this 'marriage' has finally come.

中国游客涌向丹东——一个位于中国与朝鲜皿煮主义人民共和国的边界西边的城市——来和他们不幸的邻居眉来眼去。Chinese tourists now flock to Dandong — which lies along China's western border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea — to ogle at their unfortunate neighbors.

红军一直和阿贾克斯前锋龅牙苏眉来眼去,因为俱乐部支持此君在周一转会窗口关闭之前离开。The Reds have been strongly linked with a move for Ajax forward Luis Suarez as they look to bolster their attacking options before the transfer window closes on Monday.