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将纸的两端取齐。Even up the edges of the paper.

带子两端在背后扣起来。The two ends buckle at the back.

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两端都有一个投球手,You have a bowler from each end,

这女孩把线的两端结起来。The girl tied the ends of the thread.

锻压成型,工字形断面,两端拳式。Forged shape, "H"section, fist end type.

生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。Life is an isthmus between two eternities.

现在把两端连在一起。”猫说道。Now bring the 2 ends together, " the Cat said."

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木箱装,两端用铁箍围住。Packed in wooden cases iron hooped at both ends.

用砂光机踏步两端的一项空白。Use a belt sander to square the ends of a blank.

隔在十字街头的两端,我一眼就看见了你。At the crossroads at both ends, I see one on you.

牠们的两个头分别从龟壳两端伸出,每端长著一对前脚。They also have a pair of front feet on each side.

直通式电缆是相同的两端。A straight-through cable is the same at both ends.

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生生的两端,我们彼此站成了岸。At both ends of the birth, we stand on each other.

蜡烛不能两端点,精力不可太甚耗。You cannot burn the candle located on roboth ends.

能够一次切出型材所需长度及两端角度。One time can cut off the required length and angle.

有两端顺子和同花抽牌。Same goes with open ended straight and flush draws.

但是该关系的两端都是可选的。Both sides of the relationship are optional, though.

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烛炬不能两端点,精神不可太过耗。You cannot utilize the candle at grinding both ends.

销子安装后,将铰链两端紧固。以免销子脱落。Crimp hinge ends after pin installation to retain pin.

轴承两端具有铁磁流体密封。At both ends of the bearing there are ferrofluid seals.