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这是一顶睡帽。Here is a nap cap.

记住,你的睡帽有价。Remember, your nightcap has a price.

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为结束这场对话,我要来了我的睡帽。So I put an end to it by calling for my nightcap.

她的光轮出自始终白洁的睡帽。Her glory consisted in her caps, which were always white.

我们戴上睡帽上床睡觉,一天的生活结束了。We had a nightcap before bedtime to round off a perfect day.

“就得这样,老腐败街,”伽弗洛什说,“戴上你的睡帽吧。”"That's right, old street," ejaculated Gavroche, "put on your night-cap."

但是联盟决定增加两场后面的比赛,为勇士队新主教练马克杰克逊的睡帽增添一点亮色。But the league decided to add two later games, with the nightcap featuring Mark Jackson's debut as Warriors coach.

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细看才知道,他们的头盔原来是睡帽,而且,他们是两个年轻的修道士,刚好是能给自己系缨绶的年龄,他们一脸病相,面无血色。Close to, their hoods became cowls, and I made out two young monks, barely old enough to tie their own tassels, their faces pasty and drawn.

讲到这里,玛格丽特从梳妆间走了出来,娇媚地戴着一顶睡帽,帽上缀着一束黄色的缎带,内行人把这种装饰叫做甘兰式缎结。Just then, Marguerite emerged from her dressing-room, daintily wearing a night-cap decorated with bunches of yellow ribbons, known in the trade as cabbage-bows.

任何有点想出风头的人都可以戴上有褶边的睡帽,躺在完全处在邻居视野内的铁床上,旁边再放上一把椅子、一支蜡烛和“无处不在的门”就更舒服了。Anyone with a slight exhibitionist streak can don a frilly nightcap and stay on this iron bed in full view of the neighbours, with a chair, candle and a "door to nowhere" for comfort.

冬天里,最好是白昼开启窗户,让室内与室外能够气流流通,晚上睡觉时,如果觉得头部怕冷北京按摩,可以选择带睡帽入眠。Winter, it is best day to open the windows to let indoor and outdoor air circulation to sleep at night, if you feel that the head stand the cold, you can chose to take Nightcap sleep.