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这可是件大喜事。It is a great happy event.

人喜事精神爽。Joy puts heart into a man.

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许是灾殃,也许是喜事。A plague, perhaps is happy event.

今日我们庆祝如上所述的一件喜事。Today we celebrate such an event.

另外,我还有一件喜事。On top of that, I have a happy event.

愿喜事冲刷走我的些须不安。要如何开始?I know whatever I can do, but where to begin?

你难道不想要听听这场喜事是怎么办的吗?Are not you curious to hear how it was managed?

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老大,遇到什么喜事了,这样高兴。The boss encounter any happy event , and so happy.

我们都说,这真是一件大喜事。And we were kind of saying that's just such a great thing.

人逢喜事精神爽,人团家圆事业成。Joy put heart into a man, people home business into a group.

请接受我对你一生中最大的喜事表示的由衷地祝贺。Accept my heartiest congratulations on the happiest event of your life.

这对你来说将是件大喜事,还有很多人也会因他的诞生而喜乐。He will bring joy and gladness to you and many will rejoice at his birth.

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来吧,耐莉,不要多说话——进来看看我们,对于她将是件喜事哩。Come, Nelly, hold your tongue--it will be a treat for her to look in on us.

我们听明白后,忙说这倒真是件喜事,好消息。After these words we expressed quickly, "It sure is good news indeed! ", Mr.

他们把这看作全世界人民的一件大喜事。They look on this as a great joyous event for the people of the whole world.

金的父母与我们一起分享这一喜事。我让大家做最后一分钟的猜测。Kim's parents, with us for the blessed event , and I placed last-minute bets.

人逢喜事精神爽,人团家园事业成。Good news for people on the spirit of the autumn round business, a group home.

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获悉你努力学习已结硕果,真是一件大喜事。It is a great thing to know that all your hard work has had a successful result.

三说喜事,我们成功举办上海世博会和广州亚运会,进一步展现了自信、开放、包容的现代中国形象。Both events have presented a confident, open, inclusive and modern China to the world.

侯母决定丧事喜事一起办,并买通巡长暂不放金父。Hou mother decided mourning together happy do not bribe, and inspector put gold father.