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将饼馅舀到馅饼模子里。Spoon the filling into the flan case.

将面团球放进月饼模子。Press dough ball into the mooncake mould.

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与铬酸盐对待了模子塑像治疗。With chromate treated die cast treatment.

一个巨大的模子被改造来建造他的纪念碑。A huge mold was modified to build the monument.

然而,并非每个人都能适合这个模子。However, not everyone could fit the cookie-cutter mold.

待其根部结构成长后,表面变硬而填满模子。As its root structure grows it hardens to fill the mold.

熔化之金属倒入模子中以冷却成形。Melted metal is poured into a mold to harden into shape.

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小狐狸哼哼着把柠檬水倒进模子里,打算把它做成冰棒。Fox hummed as he poured lemonade into molds for ice pops.

把模子往桌上敲,来移动月饼。Knock the mould against the table to dislodge the mooncake.

宿营由压制圆环拿着到位在模子。The billet is held in place in the die by a hold-down ring.

把数个圆筒模子沿锌锅的一端排成一个半圆形。Line up drum moulds in a semi circle at one end of the bath.

此类模型或模子的制作同巴黎石膏制法。The making of such a mold or cast, as with plaster of Paris.

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许多希腊战罗马的历试蔡家附和模子B。Many of the Greek and Roman historians subscribed to Model B.

材料制成,变硬后成为一个模子,用于制造假牙、镶嵌物或者塑料模型。A mold, as of a footprint, made for use in a criminal investigation.

报纸模子鞭痕不久之前并且被提供了到达在巴黎。Newspaper Die Welt was also offered shortly before arriving in Paris.

他战他的团队富有创做收现性天对空间环境模子截置魉坐异。He and his creative team to model the space environment of innovation.

哈德利中间研拍发了世界最经常使用的气候模子。The Hadley Dentre produces some of the world's most-used climate models.

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模子的内侧必须完全粘上黄油和糖。The moulds should be completely coated on the inside in butter and sugar.

如果你有一点多余的时间,另外的选择就是用模子做些有造型的黄油。Another option, if you have a little extra time, is to make molded butter.

琼尼三岁之前一直在接受治疗,和支架、石膏模子打交道。The first three years of his life were spent in surgery, casts and braces.