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他们好像正往我住的那个毡房跑呢。They seem to be running toward the yurt where I am staying.

在一个毡房里,主人给我们端上来奶茶、奶油和干酪。In one of the yurts, the host served us with tea, cream and cheese.

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而毡房已成为旅游,骑马成为一种体验。While yurt has become travel, horse riding has become a kind of experience.

她还教给附近毡房的人看书写字。She also teaches reading and writing to the people in the neighbouring yurts.

毡房里有一张矮桌,上面放满了各种自制的果酱,一碗浓厚的鲜奶油和一篮自烤的面包。Inside the yurt, a low table is laid with a variety of homemade jams, a bowl of thick fresh cream and a basket of homemade bread.

凌晨我走到外面,看见两条狗依偎在毡房的墙上取暖。In the early hours of the morning, I go outside to find two of the camp dogs huddled beside the felt walls of the yurt for warmth.

家庭为游客提供食宿,在遥远的高山草场上,牧民们让游客在毡房里留宿,这是一种丝绸之路上的家庭旅馆。Families offer homestays, while shepherds in remote mountain pastures put up guests in yurts – a sort of wigwam b&b on the Silk Road.

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就在这时,他的妻子艾萨尔在毡房里用干牛粪点燃了铁炉子,并开始和面准备烤当天的面包。Meanwhile, his wife, Asel, lights the iron stove inside the yurt, feeding it with bricks of dried cow dung, and prepares dough to bake the day’s bread.

高山上清新的空气使毡房外的声音变得清晰,所以百米外羊圈里的羊好像就在毡房外面。The clear mountain air exaggerates every exterior sound so that the sheep in their pen a hundred metres away sound as if they have surrounded the yurt.

一头驴子烦人的叫声就像在毡房里面,不时还有马匹的嘶鸣声回荡着像是一场骑兵的冲锋。A donkey’s tortured braying seems to be trumpeted directly inside, and every now and again the pounding of horses’ hooves reverberate like a cavalry charge.

哈萨克毡房是根据长期游牧生活需要而制造的传统住房,其历史悠久。The Kazakh yurt is the one that can move about in search of pasture for a long time the traditional housing which the life needs to make, its history is glorious.

只要是远道而来的客人,这里的牧民都会像对待自己家里人一样,帮他们搭毡房送食物。As long as there are guests coming from afar, the nomads here would treat them like their own loved ones, helping them set up their felt yurts and offering them food.

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我很想让乌玛特在日落时分带我去放羊,但他只是站在毡房外合手发出咯咯的呼唤声,这使我有点失望。I had been looking forward to going out with Urmat to herd the sheep at sundown, so I am disappointed when he merely stands outside his yurt making clucking, yodelling sounds through cupped hands.