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这种织品经洗耐用。This fabric launders well.

耐用,聚树脂,密封涂层。Durable, poly-resin, seal coated.

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那是人造皮制造的,不够柔软和耐用。They are not as soft and durable.

耐用的固特异伟力建设。Durable Goodyear welt construction.

浸塑搁物架,坚固耐用,易于清洁。Dip shelves, durable, easy to clean.

这些产品能经久耐用。These products can stand wear and tear.

该材料抗紫外线且耐用。The material is UV-resistant and durable.

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但是它必须坚固耐用的气派。It must be sturdy and durable yet stylish.

坚固耐用,不脱色碳橡胶外底。Durable, non-marking carbon rubber outsole.

耐用的非密封防水皮革鞋面。Durable non-sealed waterproof leather upper.

是的,有。而且是非常坚固耐用的。Yes, we have, and of very durable make, too.

配置化工级专用输送喉管、安全、耐用。Chemical class-specific pipes, safe, durable.

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防酸碱铝合金底盘,坚固耐用。The clip is acid-resistant, alkali-resistant.

我们需要一块经久耐用的帆布。We need a piece of canvas that weathers well.

柴油发动机可靠并经久耐用。The diesel engine is reliable and longlasting.

市场上最耐用的汽车,每辆都可靠,无一例外。The most reliable car on the market, bar none.

耐用的绒面革,鞋面采用合成修剪。Durable suede leather upper with synthetic trim.

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一天,周末旅行的耐用的行李。Durable travel duffle for day and weekends trips.

弹性冷切刀,可靠耐用。Elasticity cool cutting blade , long time to use.

内墙和天花板可否清洗,是否耐用?Interior walls and ceiling cleanable and durable?