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杨树农林复合经营还因另外一个重要原因成为一项创收的活动。Poplar-based agroforestry is a profitable activity for another key reason.

一行人在西北农林科技大学试验示范站。Visiters in the experimental demonstration of Northwest a&f University stood.

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我是一名大学生,就读于浙江农林大学。I am a university student studying zhejiang foresty&farming University inlinan.

农林混作是保护农作物食品安全和森林培育的重要手段。Agroforestry is a leading alternative for food security and forest conservation.

本文论述了温室效应与农林害虫的关系。The influence of greenhouse effect to agricultural and forest pests was discussed.

这是一个生育节日,献给罗马的畜牧农林神福纳斯。And this was a fertility festival, dedicated to Faunus , the Roman god of agriculture.

去年日本对加拿大的农林水产品出口额约46亿日元。Last year Japan's exports of aquatic products in Canada about 46 forestry billion yen.

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讨论了污泥的农林利用是变废为宝,并且适合我国国情的最佳处置方法。Also, it predicts that the using of sludge in farming has the best perspective in China.

对象是192名福建农林大学大一非英语专业的大学生。The subjects are 192 non-English freshmen at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.

本文概述了汉龙社混农林系统及其发展过程。Agroforestry Systems development of Hanlong village is generally introduced in the paper.

有趣的是,杨树农林复合经营还因另外一个重要原因成为一项创收的活动。Interestingly, poplar-based agro-forestry is a profitable activity for another key reason.

也适合医药、农林、公安、学校、科研部门作观察分析用。It's suitable for scientific research, teaching demonstration in the colleges and factory.

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捕食多种鳞翅目幼虫及其它农林害虫如蝗虫、金龟甲等。It can prey on many larvae and otherfarming and forestry pests such as locust , chafer etc.

该方案已开始为四个专长包,其中的一部分地球站或农林部。The programme has started as a bundle of four specialisations that form part of MES or MAF.

有日本农林水产省注册的车间。SHIYOU also has workshop registered in Ministry Of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries, Japan.

蚜虫是半翅目中一类体型较小的昆虫,广布于世界各地,其中绝大部分是农林害虫。As a large group of Hemiptera , aphids are distributed worldwide, and most of them are pests.

试验于2007年在西北农林科技大学作物示范园进行。The experiment carries on the crops demonstration garden of northwest A&F University on 2007.

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这是福建农林大学动物科学学院的网站。This is the website of College of Animal Science of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University.

1959年,农林中央金库被私有化,此后其业务范围也不断拓宽。In 1959, Norinchukin Bank have been privatized since the scope of its business expanding constantly.

但农林中金总合研究所经济分析师南武志表示,日本依然面临重重关卡.But Takeshi Minami, chief economist at Norinchukin Research Institute, said Japan still faced hurdles.