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事实上,他通体漆黑,不杂一点儿白毛。In fact, he was jet black without a spot of white.

横管从前到后通体都是圆形的。The top tube is essentially round from end to end.

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通体施黄红釉,釉线自然,恰似汗血。Red and yellow glaze, natural glaze line, like the Han Xue.

箱子要钉上钉子,通体用金属带加固。Cases must be nailed and secured by overall metal strapping.

在哪时起突然变得通体锐刺。From the time in which whole body suddenly became sharp spines.

把柳条剥去皮,通体呈白色,就叫白柳条。Shuck wicker skin, connect body to show white, call white wicker.

阿尔茜将作为D级全新制作,不会是通体粉色。Arcee will be a new Deluxe class mold, and won't be entirely pink.

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反正他通体铮白,既是光,又被光包围着。He was all in white, and He was light and was surrounded by light.

巴尔通体菌株对冷冻和反复冻融有很强的抵抗力。Bartonella spp. is highly resistant to freezing and freeze-thaw cycles.

他们不进行通体淬火的原因是防止变脆易遭破坏。They are not through-hardened to avoid becoming brittle and prone to breakage.

自90年代以来,已经有超过20种以上的巴尔通体属细菌被发现。Since the early 1990s, more than 20 species of Bartonella bacteria have been discovered.

目的探索巴尔通体菌株保存和复苏的方法及其条件。Objective To study the methods and condition on preservation and recovery of Bartonella spp.

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这通体赤红、分外夺目的辣椒是湖南人热情的象征。This huge hot pepper, splendidly red all round is the symbol of the enthusiasm of Hunan People.

慢慢地,泡在醋里的蒜就会变绿,最后会变得通体碧绿的,如同翡翠。Slowly, the garlic soaked in vinegar will turn green, and finally become whole body green as jade.

对目前国内外巴尔通体菌的分类及一些基本特性进行了阐述。Classification and some basic characteristics of Bartonella reported in China and abroad were elaborated.

一些不明原因的疾病有可能与巴尔通体的感染有关不容忽视。In addition, it may be possible that some unknown diseases might be associated with Bartonella infection.

II泵的齿轮与轴共为一体,采用通体淬硬工艺,可获得更长的工作寿命。PEP-II pump shaft gear and a total of one species hardened using technology, will be a longer working life.

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天师像由纯铜锻造贴真金箔制作而成,像高8.5米,通体华丽,宝像庄严。The statue of Zhang is forged of fine copper and applied with gold foil, 8.5m high, magnificent and stately.

目的了解全自动细菌鉴定系统检测巴尔通体的可行性。Objective To know the feasibility of detection of Bartonella sp. by automatic bacterial identification system.

开跑时如果有一点点的寒意说明你穿的刚刚好,跑完之后绝对会有通体舒畅的感觉。Dress lightly enough so that you’re a little chilly at the beginning of your run, and then feel great at the end.