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我很怄气。I'm so angry.

你会跟动物怄气吗?You angry with the animals?

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你会跟动物怄气吗?You will Ouqi animals with it?

他正和新郎怄气呢!He is very angry with the groom.

把这种产怄气泡的景象称为汽蚀。The scene of this production Ouqi called cavitation bubble.

没有必要因此消耗精力去和那些报道怄气。There's no point wasting energy and getting angry about it.

之后,他又在她身上发现了几个同样叫人怄气的地方。To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.

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紧接着这个发现之后,他又在她身上发现了几个同样叫人怄气的地方。To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying.

她小时候老是和她哥哥为争东西吃怄气。She would quarrel with her brother over food when she was young.

你是否会因作业和看电视的多少和孩子怄气呢?Do you have angry fights over homework or how much TV children can watch?

她极其怄气,把玩具扔在地上,把它摔成了碎片。She was so angry that she threw the toy on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

与其在家中与其怄气,不如搬到宾馆去住。Stay in a hotel rather than in a family home trapped with the difficult person.

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两人常常为了生意斗嘴怄气,让夹在中心的朋琨和国程很尴尬。Two people are often for business bicker ou spirit, let the clamp in the center of the bin, a friend HeGuoCheng very embarrassed.

如果你选择跟孩子怄气,那么你不可避免的会失败的——如厕训练只有在你的孩子自愿合作时才可能被他掌握。If you choose this battle, you will inevitably lose — toilet training can only be mastered with your child's voluntary cooperation.

当我爸爸和我彼此争吵怄气时——我总是希望他会突然暴死——我妈妈却总是告诉我说他很爱我。When my father and I screamed at each other and fought—I used to wish he would drop dead—my mother invariably would tell me that he loved me.

在水泵中产怄气泡和气泡破裂使过流元件蒙受到毁坏的内中就是水泵中的汽蚀内中。In the middle Ouqi pump and bubble bubble bursting over-current components in the inner Mongolia is being destroyed in the cavitation within the pump in.

后来,汤姆由于蓓琪和他怄气而与好友乔·哈泼一起离家出走,和哈克一起坐筏子到一个小岛上去当“海盗”。Later, because of Beiqi Tom and his friends with the guru Ouqi throwing together running away from home, sit together and Haq Fazi, a small island to boost the "pirate."