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我是地球仙境。I am the Earth Faerie.

那可真跟仙境一样了!It'd be like a fairyland!

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这简直就是人间仙境啊。It's simply a fairyland on earth.

这真是仙境中的爱丽丝。This is truly Alice in Wonderland.

那是仙境的号角轻轻地吹起!The horns of Elfland faintly blowing!

尚存一息我眼见了仙境。As I was hang there, I see wonderland.

他们看起来像仙境中的城堡。They look like the castles in fairyland.

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他们相亲相爱,生活如在仙境。They love each other, living in fairyland.

这儿的景色简直就是人间仙境!!!!!!The scenery here is just a world of fairyland!

仙境之桥是一个奇妙的迪士尼电影。Bridge to Terabithia is a fantastic Disney film.

“我的家在一个仙境里面,”瓦妮特一丝不苟地说。"My house is in fairyland, " Vanity said primly.

冬季仙境”像这是一个关于冬天非常流行的歌曲名称。That is the name of a very popular song about winter.

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这里就是有着绿色仙境之称的天目湖。This is Tianmu Lake also known as the Green Fairyland.

他杀死奥丁是谁在“仙境传说”神的顶部。And he killed Odin who is the top of Gods in "Ragnarok".

你也想体验一次仙境旅程吗?Ever wished you take that hot date on trip to Wonderland?

我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.

香气扑鼻,人间仙境。Smell the miraculous fragrance, fell like in a wonderland.

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燃烧着的山楂用作净化,使你的眼睛靠近仙境。Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

它是地球上最后一处海底仙境。It is one of the last known underwater wonderlands on Earth.

爱丽丝梦游仙境里面的红心女王大叫“砍掉他们的头!”"Off with their heads!" yelled Wonderland's Queen of Hearts.