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有一线希望。There is a ray of hope.

但是还是有一线希望的。There is a ray of hope.

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没有一线希望了。There is no gleam of hope.

我实在不敢存一线的希望。I have not the smallest hope.

现在出现一线希望之光。There is a faint glimmer of hope.

王宝强现在成了一线明星。Wang Baoqiang is an A-lister now.

成功是疑云中透明出一线银光。The silver itne in the clouds of doubt.

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但是,这些登陆场尚未连成一线。But these beachheads were not linked up.

他先有了一个主意和一线希望。First he conceived an idea, then a hope.

看到天与地就在那一线之间。I saw heaven and earth were on the line.

期望,2006年有一个相对强大的一线。Expect an equally strong line-up in 2006.

究竟是一线希望抑或仅仅是回光返照?GLIMMER of recovery or a dead-cat bounce?

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暗夜里我看见一线光刺破天空。In the dark I see a ray piercing the sky.

而温格以比较高的姿态被看高一线。Wenger is predicting a high-octane affair.

她心中仍然闪现着一线希望。A faint hope still flickered in his breast.

只是怀着一线希望,我才不致丧魂落魄。It was hope that held my nerves from shock.

把一个12杯松饼罐头用衬垫排成一线。Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.

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那就翻滚着绘出最美的一线。Then rolled and drew a most beautiful line.

到格林威治村该乘哪一线车?Which line do I take for GREenwich Village?

海与天连成一线英文怎么说…The sea and the sky are in a horizontal line.