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内阁定期开会。The cabinet meets regularly.

内阁正在改组。The cabinet is restructuring.

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这理应由内阁作出决断。The cabinet should have ruled.

任举两个内阁的部长职位。Name two Cabinet-level positions.

他们正在改组内阁。They are recomposing the cabinet.

任举两个内阁的部长职位?。What are two Cabinet-level positions?

就算是最高级的内阁人员也是。Even the most senior cabinet officers.

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总统同内阁进行了商讨。The president advised with the cabinet.

如何任命内阁阁员?。How are these Cabinet memgers appointed?

直至2011年,李光耀辞去“内阁资政”一职。He resigned as "Minister Mentor" in 2011.

内阁最近进行了改组。The cabinet has been reshuffled recently.

我自己的内阁中就有两位华侨美国人。My own Cabinet contains two Chinese Americans.

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胡佛离开一九二五年内阁。Hoover left the cabinet in nineteen twenty-five.

他改组内阁以强化其政府。He reshuffled the cabinet to firm his government.

外汇20内阁是由15毫米杨木胶合板。The FX 20 cabinet is made of 15mm poplar plywood.

昨天首相改组了内阁。The prime minister reshuffled his Cabinet yesterday.

内置的内阁是为了隐藏凹凸闭门。Built-in cabinet behind closed doors to hide the bump.

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伊拉克总理许诺进行内阁改组。Iraq's prime minister is promising the cabinet shakeup.

她参加内阁会议和高级的情况简要汇报会。She attended Cabinet meetings and high level briefings.

首相主持内阁会议。The Prime Minister presides at meetings of the Cabinet.