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除了身高以外。Besides in height.

我除了同意以外别无选择。I had no option but to agree.

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除了我以外他们都在那里。They were all there except me.

我们不能谈在那一点以外的事。We can't go beyond that point.

除你以外,在天上我有谁呢?Whom have I in heaven but you?

除了一个以外的所有的都是死后追授的。All but one have been posthumous.

这在除最后一页以外的每一页上。It is on every page but the last.

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除了珍娜以外,没有人缺席。No one is absent except for Janet.

森林延伸到边界以外。The forest extends beyond the border.

除我以外,大家都去看了电影。Everyone went to the movies except me.

除了妈妈以外,您是我最敬爱的女性。Next to mom, you are my favorite lady.

除你我以外,无人知晓。Nobody else knows, barring you and me.

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除了水以外,还有其他的冷却剂吗?Are there other coolants besides water?

除欧洲以外,世界剩余的部分都被卷入其中。The rest of the world was caught in it.

这张联票只能用于星期日以外的日子。This coupon is good only for week days.

除我以外不可有其他的上帝。You shall have no other gods before Me.

您是否需要开通港股以外的其他股票交易?。Do you require trading in non-HK stocks?

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除了死亡之门以外,每扇门都可以被关闭。Every door may be shut but death’s door.

在每一个区域,中国以外的西方。In every area, China outshines the west.

请站在警戒线以外。Please keep away from the cordoned area.