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与自然选择不同。In natural selection, certain things happen.

大自然选择不再进入到「无统一」的舞蹈中。Nature chose not to enter the dance of non- unity.

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自我牺牲会在自然选择中出现吗?Would self-sacrificing emerge in natural selection?

正如一名渔民告诉我的,这是一种自然选择。As one fisherman just told me, this is natural selection.

因此自然选择究竟是否正确,真的非常重要。So it really does matter whether natural selection is true.

这个故事是个非常严酷的自然选择,"他说道。""The story is one of very strong natural selection," he says.

值得指出的是,不要弄错了自然选择的适用范围。It is important not to mis-state the reach of natural selection.

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达尔文所理解的也就是自然选择,物竞天择。All Darwin perceived was that selection must work in nature, too.

他得出结论,这此表达方式经自然选择演变而来。He concluded that these expressions evolved through natural selection.

有时,自然选择也是物种特性统一的推动者。Natural selection can also, sometimes, be an agent of genetic uniformity.

他在构思自然选择学说的时候,并没有打算用一生的工作写一部长达10卷的著作。When he conceived of natural selection, he didn't plan a 10-volume lifework.

自然选择倾向于保持一个使可进化性最大化的基因突变率。Natural selection tends to maintain a mutation rate for maximal evolvability.

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自然选择造就了,人类和环境的协调发展Natural selection would create people who were in sync with their environment.

一旦创立了适合度,自然选择去粗汰劣的势头就无可匹敌了。Once fitness is created, natural selection is peerless for winnowing out the duds.

指在同种个体间进行的自然选择。Intraspecific selection Natural selection acting on individuals of the same species.

我出生于佛教家庭,家里几代人都信佛,所以从小受家庭的影响,长大就自然选择了出家。Strongly influenced by my family in my childhood, I found it natural to get tonsured.

究其根本原因,可以用达尔文的自然选择学说来解释。The root cause of these can explain by the Lysenkoism of natural selection of Darwin.

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科隆比纳高中发生的悲剧是因为“自然选择”的想法。The Columbine High School tragedy occurred because of the idea of “natural selection”.

这种新的策略使假单孢菌利用自然选择作为武器来抵御我们治疗的计划落空。The trick is not to allow Pseudomonas to use natural selection as a weapon against us.

这些信号,然后就其采取行动的自然选择,尽量减少风险的信号。These signals are then acted on by natural selection to minimize risk to the signaler.