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他喜欢地球仪He loved globes.

我们在地理课上使用地球仪。We use a globe in our geography class.

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我便开始找地球仪和实验室的设备。I started looking for globes and mad lab equipment.

老师要求所有的学生每人都有一个地球仪。The teacher asked all the students to have a globe each.

桌子上有一个电话,一个地球仪和一些书。There is a telephone, a globe and some books on the desk.

内置马达让这款装有灯饰的地球仪以恒定速率旋转。Built-in motor rotates this illuminated Earth at a constant rate.

那时候,学校的每个教室里都有一个大大的地球仪。At that time in every classroom of the school there was a big globe.

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取一张纸板或硬纸片,拿着它移近地球仪。Take a piece of cardboard or stiff paper and hold it out from a globe.

老师指指渍水的地球仪,用手对着自己的脖子做了个砍头的手势。He points at the waterlogged earth and slashes a finger across his neck.

我猜就像,你观察一个地球仪,你看得到不同的时区标志在上面,I guess like, you see on a globe, you see different time zones marked on,

设想一下你正在托着地球仪,俯视太平洋。So just imagine you are holding a globe and are looking down at the Pacific Ocean.

她可能会转动地球仪,用手指随意一点,点到哪儿,就决定去哪儿。She might spin a globe, place her finger on a random spot, and decide to move there.

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老师把地球仪推到教室前面,让他指出印度的位置。The teacher rolled a globe to the front of the room and asked him to point out India.

塞尔玛阿谢尔站在地球仪旁,贴身的蓝裙子衬托出一条大腿的美妙轮廓。Selma Ascher stood at the globe, outlining a delicious thigh under the slim blue skirt.

委内瑞拉总统查维兹视察马图林的一间小学教室,手持地球仪与学生交流。Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez holds a globe in a class room in Maturin September 17, 2007.

以前我常常坐在祖父的书房里,转着地球仪,憧憬着我想去游历的地方。I used to sit in Grandpa's study, spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I wanted to visit.

把剑打结,放到地球仪上,意味着现在是时候该停止世界各地的战争了。The sword is tied up and placed into the earth saying it’s time to stop wars all around the world.

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该站点主要从事过去的地图、地图集、地球仪和有关制图学书籍的拍卖活动。This site offers an auction of historical maps, atlases , globes and books related to cartography.

仔细观察地球仪也许能帮助我们了解这个神奇大陆的重要性。A look at a globe is perhaps the best way to appreciate the significance of this peculiar continent.

球体,球状物,尤指中空的球的形式的地球仪。A body with the shape of a sphere, especially a representation of the earth in the form of a hollow ball.