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网上发生的任何事都像是一种争夺赛。Every thing on-line is a contest.

他们争夺最好的座席。They scrambled for the best seats.

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我与他为了争夺那把刀而搏斗。I struggled with him for the knife.

桥梁往往是兵家争夺之地。Bridges were often points of battle.

一场对非洲的新的争夺正在进行。A NEW scramble for Africa is under way.

争夺冠军的两名选手得胜的机会均等。Odds have evened between the champions.

但该公司仍有可能在争夺市场份额的大战中落败。It may yet lose the war for market share.

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五大高手不惜一切代价争夺它。The 5 greats fighted for it at all costs.

他们为争夺一个女孩扭打成一团。They struggled with each other for a girl.

那些政客们正在相互排挤以争夺权力。Those politicians are jockeying for power.

我们以前也看到过争夺非洲。We have seen a scramble for Africa before.

阿连锁经营的润滑巢争夺。A nest vie of lubricator operating linkage.

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士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。The soldiers contested every inch of ground.

三个武装集团在争夺权力。Three armed groups were contending for power.

跳跳虎和他的朋友赛跑,争夺第一名。Tigger raced with his friends for first prize.

孩子们争夺着巴在锅底儿上的那点残渣。Children fighting for the scrapings of the pot.

英荷曾爆发过几次争夺海上霸权的战争There are various wars over control of the seas.

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但是,二者在美国市场份额方面的争夺,却从来都是一场难分伯仲的混战。U.S. market share, however, has been a dogfight.

不过,争夺水源的战斗也导致了对话。Yet fights over water have also led to dialogue.

我们不能,也不会放弃对联赛冠军的争夺。We cannot and will not give up the Scudetto race.