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他们的一切希望都破灭了。All their hopes were destroyed.

全家人的梦想破灭了。The family's dreams were dashed.

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他的讲话使我的一切希望都破灭了。What he said killed all my hopes.

白日梦破灭在你自己手里。And daydreams shatter in your hand

她的希望迅速破灭。Her hopes were quickly snuffed out.

所以我的梦想再一次破灭。So once again my dream fell through.

现在,他们担心这个梦想正在破灭。And now they re afraid it s vanishing.

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她的黄粱美梦最后破灭了。Her fond dreams were bedashed at last.

我不会让你们的梦想破灭的。I'm not gonna take that away from you.

青春的梦难道就这样破灭了吗?Is it so youthful dreams shattered it?

那场雨使他们郊游野餐的希望破灭了。The rain dashed their hope for a picnic.

关于这种黄澄澄金属的泡沫破灭了吗?Has the bubble burst for the yellow metal?

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破灭却从不把幻想放过。But evanescence has never let go of fantasy.

这可说是最令人幻象破灭的景象。IT HAS BEEN a most disillusioning spectacle.

他问,“美国梦在我这就破灭了?”He asked, "Is the American dream dead for me?"

根本破灭,冲动,精神现象,不朽。Impulse, perdition, mental phenomenon, athanasy.

它是房地产泡沫破灭前的最后一次喘息。It's the final gasp of the burst housing bubble.

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原已破灭了的幻象现在竟又出现在眼前。The vision had been eclipsed, now it reappeared.

主席的一席话使他的希望破灭了。His hopes were crushed by the chairman's remarks.

现在希望日本超然事外的梦想已经全部破灭了。Now all hope that Japan might remain aloof is gone.