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他们演出了十五个生动的歌舞曲艺节目。They presented 15 lively songs, dances and ballads.

河南坠子,中国曲艺的一种,起源于河南,约有一百多年历史。This form of Dagu originated in Henan and has a history of over 100 years.

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这就是古老的马街书会的魅力,一个各种草根曲艺自由舞蹈的天堂。That's the charm of the old Majie Street, heaven for all kinds of folk musical art.

京东大鼓是一种采用京东方音说唱表演的曲艺鼓书暨鼓曲形式。Jingdong da gu is an art form of drum music and recitative, performed in the East Beijing dialect.

相传这一曲艺初创于明代初期,成型于清代初期。It is said that it originated from the early Ming Dynasty and took shape in the early Qing Dynasty.

曲艺表现出来的高尚道德行为对民众心理素质的提高具有促进作用。The noble moral behavior expressed by folk art helps improve the psychological quality of the masses.

因为曲艺很大程度上是地方性的,因此地方色彩浓厚,受当地民间艺术的影响颇大。Since the art is largely regional, it shows heavy local flavour and the influence of the folk art of the area.

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四川民间曲艺品种,一人或多人载歌载舞说唱故事的新曲种。在四川民间的“车灯调”基础上创造。Sichuan Chedeng is story talking and singing performed either by one actor or a group of actors while they dancing.

姜昆、单田芳、李金斗等曲艺名家甘当绿叶,为大学生捧哏。Famous artists of folk art such as Jiang Kun, Shan Tianfang, Li Jindou came to liven things up for college students.

曲艺是一种民间有声艺术形式,比如民谣,说故事,喜剧对话,快板儿和相声。Quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as ballad singing, story-telling, comic dialogue, clapper talk and crosstalk.

天津是中国历史文化名城,也是北方文化艺术的发祥地之一,素有“戏剧摇篮”、“曲艺之乡”的美誉。With great historic and cultural significance, Tianjin enjoys a reputation of cradle of operas and motherland of Quyi.

曲艺艺术是我国传统文化的瑰宝,是思想政治教育的重要载体之一。Quyi is a treasure of Chinese traditional culture. It is one of the important carrier for ideological and political education.

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常德丝弦植根于湖湘文化沃土之中,是中国民族民间曲艺音乐艺术中影响较大的曲种之一。Changde Sixian, rooted in the rich soil of Hunan Province, is one of the rather influential forms in chinese national folk music.

岔曲是北京曲艺的一种,相传起于清朝初期,盛于乾隆年间,由京师旗人中盛行的戏曲高腔脆白发展而成。Chaqu was one of Beijing folk art forms, which was said to begin in early Qing Dynasty and got its thrive during Qianlong period.

以南阳大调曲为首的豫西南民间曲艺,是中原文化的重要组成部分。Folk art in southwestern Henan Province, in which Dadiao Tune ranks first, is a very important part of the Central Plains Culture.

它一经产生并逐渐渗透到其它民歌、戏曲、曲艺等音乐艺术品种中,且随之向四周广泛传播。It has been gradually filter into most kinds of the musician, such as fork song drama melody, etc. It has been spreaded abroad rapidly.

中国艺术研究院曲艺研究所所长吴文科说近年来相声正逐渐失去市场。But Cross-Talk is slowly losing its audience, says Wu Wenke, director of the folklore institute at the Chinese Academy of Arts in Beijing.

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但它的曲本却被其它曲艺所采用,尤其是红楼梦曲目,倍受推崇。But its bend is this but is doubly praised highly being adopted, especially A Dream in Red Mansions bend eye by other Chinese folk rap art.

民国初年,曲艺、杂技由外省艺人带入太原,丰富了太原人民的文化生活。In the early Republican era, folk art, acrobatics by artists from other provinces into the Taiyuan, Taiyuan, the rich people's cultural life.

沙溪成立了文学、美术书法、音乐舞蹈、曲艺、诗社、摄影、集邮、民间艺术等八大协会。Shaxi Town has established eight associations for literature, art &calligraphy, music dance, ballad, poem, photography, philately , folk art.