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华硕在这项评比中的得分是416分。ASUS ranked with a score of 416.

首先,请看手抄报评比活动的相关情况。First, let's have a look at the posters.

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同时他们在吸引力评比方面排倒数第二。They’re second-to-last for attractiveness.

这次科研评比,他高居榜首。He topped the list in this appraisal of science and research.

诺贝尔奖评比委员会称这三位物理学家是“光学大师”。The Nobel committee described the three physicists as "masters of light".

在全省医院管理年活动的周期性检查评比中。In the provincial hospitals' periodic inspection and assessment activities.

体色是水生动物品质及价格的重要评比项目。Body color is an important criterion of quality and price of aquatic animals.

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并连续两届获得省质量评比第一名。And two obtain province quality compare and assess the first place in succession.

这种电视机在全国评比中获银质奖。This type of television set won a silver medal in the national appraisal contest.

例如多数决在所有评比都受意识形态驱策时很管用。For instance, majority rule works well when all rankings are ideologically driven.

英语板报的评比营造了学习英语的浓浓氛围。The competition of English newsletter constructs strong atmosphere of learning English.

伦敦在世界最佳50大学城市评比中获得第二名,仅败于巴黎。London has come second, beaten only by Paris, in a ranking of the world's 50 best cities for students.

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享受国家津贴的人数从2003年起逢双年评比一次。The number of persons granted state allowances has been appraised every double-digital year since 2003.

这份报告也将包括承包商在支援通话及困难传报之服务品质评比。The report also includes service quality reviews on subcontractors' support calls and problem reporting.

评比结果表明脱颖而出的这些城市多数都属于发达国家,某些发展中国家尚有差距。The results suggest the dominant cities are still those of the rich world, not yet the up-and-coming one.

结果评比下来,与陈奈或芝加哥相比,把IT业务外包到中国是有小小的差异。In the end, outsourcing IT to China is little different that outsourcing it to Chennai or Chicago, says Lee.

用模糊矩阵法进行产品质量评比,不仅方法简单,而且评比结果客观可信。By means of a fuzzy matrix method, product quality evaluation can be easily carried out with reliable results.

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根据时人杂志2006的评比,这位帅哥名厨跟乔治克鲁尼、布莱德彼特并列世界上最性感男人。That's according to People magazine's 2006 issue, where Stone is listed alongside George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

事后,参与者得针对痛苦的严重程度与实际侦讯技巧有多道德,进行评比。Afterwards, participants rated how severe the pain was and how ethical the actual interrogation techniques were.

连续多年在黑河市旅游系统评比中,被评为“诚信单位”、“先进单位”。Our agency was continuously awarded "Integrity Unit"and "Advanced Unit" in Heihe city tourism system competition.