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消耗圣火可发动嬗变术。Pyros is expended to power Transmutations.

我害怕变化,直到我看到,即使最美丽的蝴蝶也是经过嬗变才振翅飞翔。Until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly

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网络广告正处于嬗变过程当中。Web advertising is in the midst of a metamorphosis.

经历了时间无情的嬗变,生命曾经变得坚韧吗?Experienced relentless evolution of time, life has become tough do?

它会首先牵动你们的内在恐惧,引起嬗变。It involves the transmutation of fear within you, first and foremost.

这是对自我表达权利的坚持,对自我嬗变的坚持,对自由的坚持。It's a stand for self-expression, transformation and freedom, ' she wrote.

色诺芬研究经历的不仅是一种复兴,而且是一种嬗变。"Xenophontic scholarship has undergone not only a renaissance but a metamorphosis".

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鲁迅追求的是人性的嬗变,他渴望的是阿Q变成秋瑾。Lu Xun's pursuit of the transmutation of human nature, his desire to become Qiu Jin Ah Q.

民族平等原则是平等权中的应有之义,经历了由观念到法定的嬗变。The ethnic equality principle refers to the right of equality from conception to the law.

士风嬗变对社会的作用既有有害的一面也有有益的一面。The transmutation of scholar morals has both negative and positive impact on the society.

炼金术,或嬗变,已经在元素周期表中增加了新元素,包括钚。Alchemy, or transmutation, has placed new elements on the periodic table, including plutonium.

第一部分着重探讨萧乾的小说创作理念的嬗变。The first part of the dissertation discusses the form of Xiao Qian's concept of novel creation.

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泛媒体时代出现的审美嬗变,与新媒介技术的影响紧密相关。The aesthetical transmutation of the pan-media era is closely associated with the new media technology.

中国的艺术美意识经历了一个由崇美到尚韵的历史嬗变过程。Chinese artistic aesthetics consciousness has experienced a history of evolution from "beauty" to "Yun".

人们的课程观念以及课程论学科体系结构正经历着划时代的除旧布新的嬗变过程。The people's concept of courses and courses'academic architecture is undergoing an epoch-making process.

当时,中央安全机构正积极参与通过核反应嬗变危险的化学物质。At that time, the CSO was heavily involved in trying to transmute dangerous chemicals via nuclear reactions.

数字电视的发展和付费电视系统的逐步建立使城市电视台面临观念和决策方面的嬗变。The development of digital TV and establishment of Pay-TV will shift the ideas and policies of City Stations.

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这主要体现在本论文的第一部分——刘锡鸿保守思想的嬗变轨迹。This embodies in the first part of the thesis mainly—Transmutation orbits of LiuXiChang's conservative ideas.

世界经济的近代嬗变,也就是所谓的全球化,可能在其他国家能够提供一个更好的工作机会。Modern changes in the world economy -- globalization -- may offer chances for a better job in another country.

本文试图从马华小说文本中的“异族”想象变迁来分析马华作家的叙事策略变化和剖析华人主体心态的历史嬗变。My thesis tends to analyze the narrative tactics of the Chinese-Malaysian writers and the change of their mind.