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农业耕作支持着我们的社会。Farming underpins our society.

这头牛在另一个世界耕作。This ox did otherworldly plowing.

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愿上帝保佑他吧,他孩子也耕作吗God bless him. Is his son farming?

农民在耕作。Farmers working in a field in Yaxi.

他女亲耕作一个80英亩天的农场。His father cultivated a farm of 80 acres.

连续耕作使土壤变得贫瘠。Continuous farming impoverishes the soil.

这本书谈耕作和园艺。The book is about both farming and gardening.

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不同的耕作处理都表现为CH4的净吸收汇。All treatments were the sink of CH4 absorption.

对免耕的英亩与耕作的英亩进行了比较。No-till acres were compared with ploughed acres.

他们还必须对耕作或饲养做好记录。They must also keep farming or breeding records.

贾思勰的书是耕作的实用指南。Jia Sixie's book is a practical guide to farming.

黑人农民多数在租种的土地上耕作棉花。The majority of black farmers wre cotton tenants.

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多年前必须有接线生来做接通的耕作。Years ago an operator had to make the connection.

由于土地贫瘠而无法耕作。The poorness of the land makes farming impossible.

他辛勤耕作,为使瘠薄的土地上长出好庄稼。He works hard to produce good crops from poor soil.

那村可耕作的土地没有多少。There was not much land to cultivate in the village.

未耕作土地及刚收割完毕的田地则呈现淡蓝色。Fallow and recently harvested fields are lighter blue.

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在中东,古代的耕作方式依然存在。Ancient farming methods still survive in the Midle East.

她的家族在那片土地上耕作了十多代。Her family had farmed that land for over ten generations.

她的侄子,杰希的父亲,在相邻的土地上耕作。Her nephew, Jesse's father, worked in an adjoining field.