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谁挑动他们干的?Who tarred them on?

挑动着呆钝的根。Dull roots with spring rain.

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你挑动阿拉伯石油涨价,他们永远无法原谅。And they will never forgive you for provoking the rise in Arab oil prices.

事实上,在需要时,军政权常常试图挑动民兵组织彼此斗争。In fact, when needed the regime often tries to play the militia groups against one another.

因为边界骚乱是你们挑动的,所以一切后果必须由你们负责。In as much as you provoked the border riot, you must be held responsible for all consequences.

但即便仇恨是很多人心中所想,那些挑动人们心中情绪的人也不可原谅。But even if hate is what many want to hear, that doesn’t excuse those who pander to that desire.

火热、冰爽、刺激,有的甚至能够直接挑动你最私密的性感地带。Some warm, some cool, others tingle and some even stimulate the most intimate of erogenous zones.

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作为一个例子,有两个双核超线程CPU的体系提出了一个调度算法的挑动。As an example, a system with two dual-core hyper-threaded CPUs presents a challenge to a scheduling algorithm.

情绪是在动的能量。当你挑动能量,你便创造出效应。如果你移动了足够的能量,你便创造出物质。Emotion is energy in motion. When you move energy, you create effect, If you move enough energy, you create matter.

深秋是最不能错过的出游季节,沿途的旖旎风景绚烂多彩,无不挑动人们的激情。Late autumn is the most can not miss the travel season, the scenery along the splendid scenery, all stir the passions.

举例来说,在选举辩论中,论点往往会集中于能够挑动选民情绪的社会热点事件和话题。Debates during an election, for example, tend to highlight hot-button issues and talking points that play to constituents' emotions.

彷佛是有暗号般,当刺骨的风减弱时,这个台湾最会挑动人心的电视名人拿著麦克风从人群中走出来。As if on cue, the biting wind abates , and Taiwan's most provocative TV celebrity appears with a microphone to mingle among his fans.

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美国各地的人也会准备自己最爱的食材,如新英格兰的新鲜海鲜或南方挑动味蕾的烤肉。People from different regions of America also prepare their favorites, like New England's fresh seafood or the South's tangy barbeque.

他在2006年接受BBC访问时,在采访人的挑动下,对美国批评中国快速增加国防预算作出充满激愤的高声反击。In a BBC interview in 2006 he was goaded into a furious, shrieking attack on American criticisms of China's rapidly growing defence budget.

但即便仇恨是很多人心中所想,那些挑动人们心中情绪的人也不可原谅。所有心存正派的人都应避免仇恨爆发。But even if hate is what many want to hear, that doesn't excuse those who pander to that desire. They should be shunned by all decent people.

一位位老师在讲台上讲的绘声绘色,挑动我心中的遐想,使我也渐渐的融入这个集体之中了。A teacher at the podium speaking of the vivid, and stirring up my heart a source of fascination, so I have gradually integrated into the collective into a.

“因为他们认为您在资助各个各样的反西方组织,”我回答道。“你挑动阿拉伯石油涨价,他们永远无法原谅。“Because they think you are funding every kind of anti-western group,” I replied. “And they will never forgive you for provoking the rise in Arab oil prices.”

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这些举措伴随着中国越来越多、大胆的,在东海及南海的领土要求,挑动着亚洲及美国的神经。The moves come as China jangles nerves in Asia and the United States with increasingly bold moves toassert territorial claims in the East and South China Seas.

年轻人,易于被挑动加入对日本因为其失于面对其历史的几乎每年一度的攻击,却令人失望地对他们自己国家最近的历史显示出无知。The young, easily roused to almost annual attacks on Japan for its failure to confront the past, are dismally ignorant of their country's own more recent history.

抱着理想主义的美国人,甚至那些狂热的反共分子,都不至于有能力不近人性地故意挑动它和苏联火并。Idealistic Americans, and even those who were fervent anti-Communists, were unlikely to be capable of cynically and deliberately embroiling it with the Soviet Union.