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我们两个开始聊天。We got to talking.

你们喝酒,聊天。You drink and talk.

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关掉即时通讯和聊天。Turn of IM and chat.

我应该跟他们聊天吗?Sould I talk to them?

我只是打电话来聊天。I just called to talk.

他们在聊天。They're having a chat.

于是我们开始聊天。So we started chatting.

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我对网上聊天上瘾。I'm addicted to net-chat.

他喜欢和我聊天。He likes chatting with me.

愿意跟我聊天吗?May I have a talk wtih you?

私下聊天,-是。Private conversation. -Yes.

我截下了一些通话聊天。I picked up on some chatter.

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我喜欢与朋友在一起聊天儿。I enjoy a chat with a friend.

网络聊天上我是个新手.I am new to internet chatting.

但是这种聊天工具存在一个潜在的问题。But Chatroulette has a problem.

我从未打开我的聊天客户机。I never have my chat client up.

主叫电话线进入聊天。Caller calls into the chat line.

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道格和苏珊继续聊天。Doug and Susan continue talking.

卡斯特罗与他的一名男队员聊天。Castro chats with one of his men.

即时聊天工具可以用于其他用途。IM can be used in other ways too.