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如果你上火了,请喝王老吉!If you lit up, drink Wanglaoji!

穿的多不多,会不会上火了?Wearing not much more, will be lit it?

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你觉得我能当上火影么?Do you think that I will become Hokage?

处对象就像尿尿,一上火就黄了。Place objects like pee, a fire is yellow.

生上火后,小屋变得暖和舒服了。The small room snugged with the fire burning.

也许是在生日那天吃太多上火了吧?Maybe because I eated too much on my birthday dinner.

例如,Twitter,就是首先在2007年的SXSW音乐节上火起来的。Twitter, for example, first caught fire at SXSW in 2007.

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蜂蜜和开水混合营养全失易上火。Honey mixed water and nutrition easy to be lit total loss.

火龙果是寒性还是易上火的水果?Is firedrake fruit the fruit of cold sex or easy get angry?

另外昨天不知道为什么流鼻血了,是上火了吗?Also yesterday, the nosebleeds do not know why it is lit it?

因为上火她的前胸生了个很大的疮。My mother had an open sore on her bosom due to inflammation.

当时并没有上火,心想,有机会再来照。Did not lit and thought, according to the opportunity to come back.

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他可能是上火了,可以尝试给他吃一些清火的食物。He may have been lit, and can try to give him some Qinghuo eat food.

连自己的媒体都给出如此的警告,党中央没有理由不焦急上火。With even its own media giving such warnings, the party has reason to fret.

等我们到达营地的时候,老杨和老袁已经生上火了。When we arrive Campsite one, Lao Yang and Lao Yuan has already started the fire.

阿加真的上火了,这回可不轻,只得奔远在三十多里外的家里的老娘。A really angry, it can not light, had to run in more than 30 miles home to mother.

在那个冬天,他高兴地从他的小溪上将水打回来,又用锯子伐木上火。That winter he happily carried water from his stream and cut wood with a chain saw.

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亚伦子孙作祭司的,要把肉块和头并脂油摆在坛上火的柴上。The sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire on the altar and arrange wood on the fire.

因为我们没有电荷补偿,我们就可以随意地加上火减少中子。And since we don't have to charge compensate, we can add or subtract neutrons at liberty.

中医上认为是阴虚火旺,也就是人们常说的上火。Chinese medicine is believed Yin Brilliant Fire, which is often attributed to the get angry.