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我的同伙想在下学后踢足球。My friends want to play soccer afterschool.

下学铃也打过了,可还是没有人出来。The bell even rang but no students went out.

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下学年他会做得更好的,会考试及格的。He will do better next year and pass the exam.

本校已开始办理下学年注册。Registration for the 2005-2006 school year has started.

稷下学宫是战国时期齐国的一所著名学府。The Ji-xia academy was a famous institution of Qi in the Warring States Period.

稷下学宫与稷下学术,给后人留下了一份宝贵的文化遗产。The scholar and philosophy of Jixia schools leave us a rare treasure of culture.

稷下学宫的建立,孕育了齐文化丰富的养生思想。The establishment of state schools bred the rich thought of keeping fit of Qi culture.

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流布于稷下的道家各派,在稷下学宫的学术交流环境中彼此互有交流、激荡。Each faction of Daoism had the opportunity for heated debate and exchange in this scholastic environment.

学术自由、境宽松是稷下学宫最基本的特点,也是它取得成功的重要原因。Academic freedom and loose environment were its main characteristics and also the main reasons of success.

稷下学宫的这一办学思想对当今高校建设与改革仍然具有借鉴意义。The ideas of running Ji-xia academy has reference significance for the construction and reform of universities.

有关录取生之缴费、注册相关资料,本校将于下学年开学前另行通知。Accepted international students will be given the tuition and registration information by the beginning of academic year.

学习编程最好的结果是你在一个环境下学的东西可以应用到另外的环境中。The best part about getting started programming in one context is when you can take those skills and apply them elsewhere.

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在我踏入社会之初,有幸在那位经理的鼓励下学会从顾客的角度看问题,并在以后的职业生涯中一直铭记在心。The encouragement from my manager to get that perspective, from the ground floor, has stuck with me over time in my career.

他小的时候,他和朋友们会在下学后尽快跑回家,以便看电视上播放的功夫节目。When he was a boy, he and his friends would run home from school as fast as they could to watch kungfu shows on television.

下学后,听到背后有人喊我的名字张华,原来是我的朋友,他邀我和他们去打篮球。After school, I heard someone called Zhang Hua, my name, behind me. It was my friend. He asked me to play basketball with them.

太极我是在一个在中国学了多年的老师的指导下学的,我认为它帮助我更好地集中精力。TaiChi with a teacher who had studied for a number of years in China and I found that it helped me to center my mind in a much better way.

我按照新政策就近入学,小学里大都是工人子弟,下学回家的路上常有同学冲我扔石头,甚至从楼顶上朝我家阳台上丢粪便。Under the new policy, I went to a nearby school of workers' children, some of whom threw rocks at me and even left human excrement on our balcony.

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丽莎下学后,独自在一间咖啡店中坐等她的妈妈来。出于对丽莎安全的思虑,朱利安把丽莎带回家,后又送她去公寓女房东那里呆。When Elsa is sitting alone in a coffee shop after school awaiting her mother's arrival, out of solicitude Julien takes her home and hands her over to the female landlord.

但除了冲浪我还非常喜欢打篮球,汾河公园在我们学校附近,所以我经常和同学们在下学后一起打篮球。In addition to surfing, I also love playing basketball. The Fen River Park is in the neighbourhood of our school. I often play basketball there after school with my schoolmates.

但这并不等于说,上蔡的仁学工夫论与佛家的上达而下学思路无异,因为他还有一套独特的“辟佛”思路。This meant that he took a"Confucianism assistant to the Buddhism"road, but not meant that he confused Confucianism to Buddhism, because he still had a unique set of "production Buddha" ideas.