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三相感应马达“,”Three Phase Induction Motor.

比如三相点。For instance the triple point.

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三相电流检测是基础。Three-phase current measurement is base.

标准型三相感应电动机“,”Three Phase Induction Motor, Standard Type.

三相,有轮,直流风扇冷却,高暂载率。Three phase, wheel, DC fan-cooled, heavy duty.

文中将梁的运动分为三相,各相解析解均可给定。An analytical solution is given for each phase.

非标准型三相感应电动机“,”Three Phase Induction Motor, Non-Standard Type.

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这是三相点温度,这是三相点气压。The triple point temperature, triple point pressure.

每根柱都使用一个三相感应电动机进行驱动。Drive uses one three-phase induction motor per pillar.

从这里得到三相点是非常常见的。It's a very common thing to get, the triple point from this.

气态,固态,三相平衡,你可能会想。So the triple point is liquid solid, gas, all in equilibrium.

安装发电机拆卸和安装三相发电机。Install generator removing and installing three-phase generator.

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三相感应电动机。防护型。短路转子。Protected three-phase induction motors with short-circuited rotors.

适用于使用三相电源的各类小型机械。Fit for various small machinery powered by three-phase power supply.

三相并流的流型与系统的动态特征有关。Flow regime is an important character of three phase cocurrent flow.

龙门锯床进锯机构采用三相桥式全控整流电路直流调速系统。DC speed adjusting system is used in feeding mechanism of gantry saw.

设计并构建了一台300W的三相四桥臂逆变器-电机调速系统样机。Finally, a 300W three-phase four-leg inverter is designed for AC motor.

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三相六状态控制的转子斜槽式双凸极永磁电机通常采用单斩PWM调制方式。Single -chop PWM control mode is commonly used in the flume rotor DSPMM.

在温度和费米子极化的相图上得到了三相点的位置。The tricritical point in the temperature-polarization plane is obtained.

三相双反星形整形电源,带遥控盒。There-phase arc rectified power and possesses the remote controlled box.