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斯提福兹嘻笑着搀着我的胳膊。Steerforth was holding my arm and laughing.

一些影片则对灾难采取了嘻笑轻松的处理手法。Some are taking a lighter approach to calamity.

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三天时间悄悄地在她们的嘻笑中溜走。Three days time quietly in their mocked slipped.

“总之,所有的好东东都来自这“怪味儿”,”他嘻笑地说。"Anyway, all good things come with a bad taste, " he joked.

蚂蚱却认为松鼠是个傻瓜,而他却嘻笑跳舞,玩耍了一个夏季。The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

“我不能拿?”那拿刀的小个儿士兵对她嘻笑脸地说道。I can't, hey? 'said the little soldier who held the knife, grinning impudently at her.

在严谨的德国,它的职员们总是松懈、嘻笑着,招惹来调情的嫌疑。In stolid Germany, its clerks bagged and smiled, prompting suspicion that they were flirting.

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大伙儿一个个扔掉手里的篓子,欢跳着,嘻笑着,钻进那无边无际的山林里去了。Throwing away the baskets one after another, the monkeys jumped and laughed happily. Then they entered the boundless forest.

嘻笑怒骂,饮酒作乐,极度放肆,说着在其它任何场合都听不见的粗话,好像世界就只有我们自己似的。You drink and sing to your heart content spiced with private and even vulgar jokes. It seems as if the world were for our own.

爱你孩子般的嘻笑,爱你专心时的情绪,爱你的傻,爱你的愁,甚至爱你的怒。Love your childlike laugh or love you time to concentrate on the emotional, love your silly love you worry, even love your anger.

但突然,他又嘻嘻笑了起来,一定是他决定将好玩进行到底,于是他继续扭动着自己的脚趾。But all of a sudden he must have decided the whole thing was pretty funny because he started grinning. Then he wiggled his toe again.

也许,很久我们都不会哭了,无论受伤或者心疼,就那么冷眼地看着,或者在嘻笑打闹中隐没了。Perhaps we do not cry a long time, neither the injured or distressed, they looked at it coldly, or happy in the rough in the subduction.

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除了小孩们把走廊当球场的嘻笑玩闹,还有主妇们隔着铁门的闲话家常。That was where ball games were played among kids of the many families and where the housewives engaged in chitchats across their iron grilles.

牧师会在街心停住脚步,对她规劝一番,还会招来一群人围任这可怜的有罪的女人,对她又是嘻笑,又是蹙额。Clergymen paused in the street to address words of exhortation, that brought a crowd, with its mingled grin and frown, around the poor, sinful woman.

在政治、哲理和文学的领域中,适当的嘻笑怒骂比索然无味的滔滔论调更具启发性。Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do more to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments.

这群孩子对我们带去的每一样东西都觉得新鲜好奇,不停地跟著我们,在我们身旁嘻笑玩耍,面带笑容地跑来跑去。They were extremely curious about every new thing we had brought with us, and followed us around playfully, laughing and running with smiles on their faces.

他们却嘻笑神的使者,藐视他的言语,讥诮他的先知,以致耶和华的忿怒向他的百姓发作,无法可救。But they mocked God's messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against his people and there was no remedy.

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福音的种子不宜以嘻笑轻慢的心看待,对别人灵魂深度的关怀,是成就主的教训及圣工所必须的。Our heavenly seed could not fitly be sown laughing. Deep sorrow and concern for the souls of others are a far more fit accompaniment of godly teaching than anything like levity.

我可以看到我的疯狂的祖先围着床在跳舞,他们宽慰我、给我打气、用毒蛇般的舌头抽打我、用藏在暗处的脑袋朝我嘻笑。I can see about me all those cracked forebears of mine dancing around the bed consoling me egging me on lashing me with their serpent tongues grinning and leering at me with their skulking skulls.