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最简单的生活现在画上了休止符。The easiest part of life is over now.

可是让我们看,音乐家如何对付这些休止符呢?How does the musician read the "rest"?

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把他的罪恶和痛苦划上休止符吧。Put an end to his guilt and suffering.

我们称之为,什么,休止符,非常好We call those of course, what? Rests. Okay.

他们只是你通往成功路上的暂时的休止符。They are momentary pauses on the path to success!

用特定的休止符作为识别用户输入是否结束的标志,而非限制输入的字数或长度。Terminate input by end-of-file marker, not bycount.

我们有了音符及其音符值,还有休止符So we have the notes and their values and the rests.

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唱到了休止符的时候,她停顿了一下。When the song came to a rest, she paused for a while.

当最后一个音符响起,想念被逼画上休止符。When the last note rings, miss was forced to draw on pause.

若突然失去你,犹如休止符插入了我的心。If suddenly loses you, just like the rests inserts my heart.

最为重要的是,你已经为这场无休无止的战争划上了休止符。Above all else, you have earned a rest from this endless battle.

然而,「休止符」实际上比赘词,更令人印象深刻。However, a pause is actually more impressive than a filler word.

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那条路太难走结束,画个漂亮的休止符。The road is too difficult to walk over and draw a beautiful stop.

简单的生命会逐渐单调成乐章里的休止符。The plain lives will gradually decreased like rests in a movement.

在音乐谱中有一种符号,叫做休止符。There is no music in a rest, but there is the making of music in it.

它如伟大乐章中的休止符,它也是我们伟大生命中的一部分。Just as rests and pauses are a part of great music, so are they also a part of great living.

那是1968年6月的一天,会上宣读了中央文件,为动乱的学校生活画上了休止符。That was a day in June 1968. A document issued by the Party Central Committee was read, which halted our troubled school life.

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有时「休止符」实际上可以改善演讲者,当一个演员用一个戏剧性的停顿,来吸引的关注他的观众。Sometimes a pause can actually improve a speech, as when an actor uses a dramatic pause to rivet the attention of his audience.

周六夜,以色列内阁决定于周日凌晨两点开始单方面停火,为这场针对伊斯兰军事人员的战争画上了一个休止符。The Israeli cabinet decided on Saturday night to unilaterally end its 21-day war against Islamic militants in Gaza as of 2 a.m.

休止符标识声音中止。不同的部分使用不同的符号来表示不同时值的休止。A rest indicates an absence of sound. Different signs are used to indicate different durations of silence in an individual part.