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他们的关系一波三折,过了十年就终止了。After ten stormy years, the relationship broke up.

寨桥村的选举有过一波三折的历史。Zhaiqiao has had a chequered history with elections.

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这“第一颗可居住的太阳系外行星”的发现史可谓一波三折。The “first habitable exoplanet” already has a checkered history.

作品情节曲折离奇,一波三折,扣人心弦。Works bizarre plot twists and turns, twists and turns, exciting.

资私募股权投资公司在中国的投资之路可谓一波三折。Foreign private-equity firms have a history of running into trouble in China.

但是,公允价值会计的推行可谓是几经反复、一波三折。Nevertheless, there exist twists and turns in the propaganda for fair value accounting.

卡夫食品对英国知名糖果生产商吉百利收购可谓一波三折。After a four-month stand off over price Kraft Foods is buying British candy maker, Cadbury.

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一波三折的中石油新疆油田公司“百万豪车门”尚未完全平息。The smooth the oil in xinjiang oilfield company "a house door" has not yet completely calm.

最终,中方对此次访问兴趣大减,访英团成员的选择一波三折。Finally, Chinese government lost its interest and reduced the members of the mission abruptly.

作为一种政治思潮,新保守主义在其历史发展过程中跌宕起伏,一波三折。As a political thought, neoconservatism has experienced ups and downs in its historical development.

在现代国际关系史上,印度与以色列的关系可谓是荜路槛褛,一波三折。The diplomatic relation between India and Israel is not smooth in modern international relation history.

直到周二前,美元没有因债务谈判的一波三折而出现任何异常方向的走势。Until Tuesday, the dollar hadn't traded in any particular direction in reaction to the ups and downs in the debt talks.

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秦沈管道的建设者们优选方案,施工方案选择可谓一波三折。Qin Shen preferred builders of the pipeline program, the construction scheme selection can be described as twists and turns.

但除了道琼斯指数和标准普尔指数的一波三折外,一些市场观察人士还在关注最近相当清淡的成交量数据。But besides the meanderings of the Dow and S&P some market watches have been eyeing volume numbers which have been pretty piddling lately.

但除了道琼斯指数和标准普尔指数的一波三折外,一些市场观察人士还在关注最近相当清淡的成交量数据。But besides the meanderings of the Dow and S&P some market watchers have been eyeing volume numbers which have been pretty piddling lately.

要避免枯燥无聊——不仅是作者本人的也是观众的——故事的中间情节必须一波三折。To avoid boredom---both the writer's as well as that of the audience---plot twists and turns will be introduced in the middle of the story.

一波三折的婚照拍摄,当中传出明秀和秀珍成为情侣的消息,而令前女友之间引起了骚乱。Sorry tale wedding photos taken, of spread the message of nature and show Jane to be lovers, and make his former girlfriend between caused a riot.

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当然其中一波三折的剧情,也使我为之心惊肉跳,然而,另我印象深刻的要数主人公在小人国的经历。Of course, the twists and turns of the story, so I was terrified, but on the other I was impressed to the number of the hero experience in lilliput.

航天飞机的再度发射被称作一个“十拿九稳”的计划,但是“发现者”号的旅程一波三折,问题重重。It had Been called a "success-oriented"schedule to get the space shuttle flying again, But the odyssey of "discovery"was Beset with various proBlems.

虽然我们已经看到了一波三折的剧情,但是据女主角埃文·蕾切尔·伍德表示,后续情节将会变得非常常”黑暗和阴森”。But, although we've already seen some serious twists and turns, things are about to get very "dark and sinister, " according to star Evan Rachel Wood.