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怎样做沁人心脾的意大利冰How to make refreshing Italian ice

一杯清茶,散发出沁人心脾的清香。A cup of tea, emitting a refreshing scent.

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沁人心脾,总能在油墨的芬芳中感悟些什么。Refreshing, always the fragrance of the sentiment in the ink what.

这里的空气也很好,有一种沁人心脾的感觉。Here air very is also good, some one kind gladdens the heart feeling.

一阵微风吹来,一股浓浓的香味扑鼻而来,沁人心脾令人心旷神怡。A breeze is blowing, and a thick fragrance, refreshing is invigorating.

然后他被带到一个美丽、有着沁人心脾花香的花园里。He was then taken through a beautiful and sweet-smelling flower garden.

黄桃与李子的芬芳沁人心脾,口感柔和怡人。Aromas of yellow peaches and plums. On the palate, it is soft with a pleasant mouth feel.

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我宁可闻着这农家庭院沁人心脾的清香也不愿吸入城市里那致命的毒素。I'd rather be inhaling the sweet aroma of the farmyard than the lethal poison of the city.

就好像绽放中的蔷薇香气沁人心脾,将颓败的心情一扫而空。This symbolizes that the fragrance of the rose can relieve the tiredness and bring great mood.

是小花就不用嫉妒牡丹的艳丽外表,因为自己的芳香同样沁人心脾。Is it not envy peony flowers of gorgeous appearance, because his own fragrance also refreshing.

其美味沁人心脾,也可以满足您对美食得追求。Its delicacy gladdens the heart, may also satisfy you to result in the pursue to the good food.

她们的体味,温馨扑鼻,沁人心脾,像我正在热恋的爱人的肤香。Their taste was warm and refreshing, like my lover's skin fragrant that I am falling in love with.

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四川凉糍粑色香味俱佳,糯软醇甜,入口凉爽,沁人心脾。Sichuan cold Ciba color, aroma and taste, soft waxy alcohol and sweet, the cool entrance, refreshing.

清丽的诗句在春雨的滋润下就像浮动的草香一样耐人寻味,沁人心脾。Qingli of verse in the spring rain the moisture like floating grass incense as intriguing, refreshing.

精打细磨后的咖啡,冲上一杯浓香四溢沁人心脾,喝上一口令人神清气爽。After fine play from grinding coffee, overflowing onto the glass of refreshing aroma, a refreshing drink.

酒标和酒质透露着浓烈法兰西少女的浪漫气息,温柔无比的香气沁人心脾。Wine labels and wine quality revealed a strong romantic French girl, extremely sexy and refreshing aroma.

倾听钢琴诗人萧邦最经典的作品,感受古典音乐最沁人心脾的诗情。Listen to the most famous classical works from Poet of Piano, Chopin. Be touched by his most romantic music.

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进入心灵茶馆,走进五彩缤纷的思想丛林,我们便会顿觉异香弥漫,沁人心脾,总能在这字里行间中感悟着什么。We always are moved by the words in this place like walking into multicoloured woods or having a cup of coffee.

花卉图形以独特的沁人心脾的艺术形态美化着我们的环境,点缀着我们的生活。Flower pieces are a unique form of art which will add more refreshing aspects to both our life and surroundings.

用沁人心脾的天籁之音,谱写人生的华彩乐章,这就是莱斯顿天籁之音。This is the sounds of nature from Luster, who composes the cadenza in life with the refreshing sounds of nature.