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那些团子使他肚子胀得难受。The dumplings lay heavy on his stomach.

今天,一个团子或者GI可能会被称为咕噜。Today, a doughboy or GI may be called a grunt.

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手弄湿后,将肉糜揉成巴掌大团子。Dampen hands and form meat mixture into a palm-sized patty.

我喜欢油脂很重的食物,例如汉堡包和炸团子。I like the heavy greasy foods like hamburgers and fried dumplings.

我不知道。不用管那些,我带了一个团子给它吃。I don't know. In any case, I have fetched a ball that we'll make him eat.

黑巧克力覆盆子慕斯,巧克力萨歇尔蛋糕,香蕉团子。Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Mousse, Chocolate Sacher cake, Banana dumpling.

一个老人在包粽子,一种用糯米作成的金字塔形状的团子。An aged woman makes zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice.

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粽子是一种由竹叶或芦苇叶包成塔形的糯米团子。Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.

现在,我们可能最常把团子想做在一战中为同盟国作战的士兵。Now, we probably most often think of doughboys as the soldiers who fought for the Allies in World War I.

放心啦!不要那副表情,你的老爸是谁,你的老爸可是无人能敌的魔法战团里面的团子队长!Rest assured! Not the expression, who your daddy is, your dad but nobody can the enemy magic battle group inside the dumplings!

特制奶油酱意大利面,番茄酱意大利面配肉团子,金枪鱼意大利面配我刚买来的红葡萄酒或是简单炖牛肉。Special cream sauce spaghetti, tomato sauce spaghetti with meatballs, tuna spaghetti with red wine that I just bought or plain beef stew.

无论是你在找一个意大利团子的菜谱还是想找个能用上你家里那些罗勒和粗燕麦粉的菜谱,两个引擎都能为你找到满意的结果。Both have good result if you are looking for a good gnocchi recipe or if you need a recipe to take care of all that basil and couscous in your house.

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这些女孩们把印花拖地长裙和棕色系带靴子混搭在一起,头发松松地扎成团子。Like a modest Robert Palmer-girl army, the women mingled in floor-length print dresses and brown lace-up boots with their hair in messy secretary buns.

的确,当一个人只做一件事的时候,他会有比较清晰的思路,但当一个人在一团子事情中挣扎的时候,他就会处处受到羁绊,一不小心跌倒。Indeed, when a person do one thing, he will have a clearer idea, but when a person struggling in a dumpling things, he will everywhere be shackles, believe it or fall.

南方人吃汤圆——一种用糯米包上黑芝麻、花生等果馅的甜团子,也有用肉做馅的。Southern people often eat tangyuan a kind of sweet dumpling made of glutinous rice flour having black gingili peanuts and other nuts in it sometimes often having meat in it.

优化时必须考虑地形和气象特点、污染源的分布和片区的功能特征。再根据片区内主要污染物及源分布确定决策团子。The factors must be considered in optimization, these are topographic and meteorologic features, pollution sources distribution, and functional characteristics of each zone.